There are 28 recommendations in the Jenkins review and, without their implementation, we will continue to see this toxic culture exist within our most powerful institution. Lehrmann, who has pleaded not guilty to allegedly raping Ms Higgins in Parliament House on a drunk night out in March 2019, will now likely face a retrial early next year. An irresistible force. Brittany Higgins, the former Liberal staffer who alleges she was raped inside senior minister Linda Reynolds's office, has delivered a powerful address to thousands of protesters on the lawns outside Parliament House. Many of you in the media have been called out for labelling the last few weeks the Higgins trial. The jury heard 12 days of evidence and deliberated for five days until Chief Justice Lucy McCallum discharged the group on Thursday morning after misconduct from one juror. new Date().getTime(), event: 'gtm.js' The subtle inference being that a traumatised woman wasn't capable of weaponising her own story. As my friendShanna Bremner founder of End Rape on Campus in Australia pointed out, theres around four million students enrolled in schools across the nation, according to the ABS. = ||{ AjaxData:[]}; 15 February 2021: Federal ministerial staffer Brittany Higgins, the same age as Tame, is inspired to quit her job two weeks after Tame's speech, re-engage with police, and go public with her . Then, or since. "The bar for what counts as a political sex scandal nowadays is REALLY low," Ms Higgins wrote. The case was initially due to begin on June 6 but was delayed until June 27 after Lehrmann's barrister pulled out days before the trial. Earlier, Justice McCallum slammed Ms Wilkinson's speech, saying the line between an allegation and the finding of guilt was 'completely obliterated' by her Logies speech. Because they are thefuture of our nation. Exposing how the law silences women. Added Feb 9th, 2022. Like many of you, I have watched this all play out in the media. I was targeted, stalked, isolated, groomed, and repeatedly raped as a minor by a known serial paedophile. We must not let this case pass by without ensuring better protection for women when they speak out, including from legal threats and online abuse. Everyones story of abuse and fear and betrayal and humiliation takes a different shape. Thank you to the court and its officers who treated me with such care and respect while Ive been here.. Amanda Vanstone, a former Liberal minister summed it up the other day: "If there was a young girl alleging she had been raped in a different office, would it be on the front page?
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