Garden Waste Collections - Boston Borough Council If you are new to the scheme for 2023, you can sign up online through card payment now where you can also purchase a new brown bin at the cost of 40. SignUp Now We'd also like to set optional analytics cookies to enable us to analyseuse of our products and services using Google Analytics in order to help us improve it. Horncastle slimmer credits 'magic' group for weight loss, GALLERY: Hundreds turn out for record Skegness Scooter Rally. If you suspect any fraudulent activity please report it to the council on 01429 523333. Yes please grass cuttings, weeds and dead plants, twigs and small branches, hedge clippings, cut flowers and house plants, shrub prunings, leaves and the contents of hanging baskets. No. You may make a variety of payments using this secure site with most major credit or debit cards.What may I pay?You may pay for any of the accounts shown below by clicking on the selected item.Additional services will be added as we continue to develop this facility. Our crews will not attempt to free up waste stuck in the bin. If you pay by debit or credit card, you must renew the service every year. Civic Centre To sign up for garden waste collections, you first need to buy a brown bin. Please note that getting a household set up in the scheme can take up to 14 days, so by signing up after the start of April, you may miss out on your first collection. Most local authoritieshave already brought in charges for garden waste collections and there is no evidence of an increase in fly tipping. We also recommend you write your house number / house name on the front of the bin, this allows our CCTV to see your bin being emptied and helps deal with enquiries relating to damage or missed collections. The bill will be returned to you with a receipt for your payment. At our discretion we will replace your bin free of charge for only one occasion. We'd also like to set optional analytics cookies to enable us to analyseuse of our products and services using Google Analytics in order to help us improve it. The Council's terms and conditions are as follows: That you place appropriate garden waste into your brown bin. They will need to know the amounts to be paid, dates due and your Council Tax account number - these are all on your bill. We will not return to collect bins which have not been presented on time. Here you can pay online for some council services including: Council tax and business rates. Therefore, we are advising that these folders should be checked and the addresses should be added in your mail applications as a 'safe sender', if you do not get your receipt as quickly as usual, before you contact our Offices. Our online payment system for the garden waste collection service 2023/2024 is now live. However, Northampton Borough Council's system and Veolia's onboard technology is able to identify subscribers and will only collect from these properties. Sign up for or renew garden waste collections | Buckinghamshire Council Direct Debit form Collection of additional bins - 8.00 per bin. To find your Councillor or to view minutes, meetings and agendas please visit the North Yorkshire Council website. If you move to another address in the Boston Borough area, you can take your brown bin(s) with you. Once you have subscribed for this service, it will automatically be recorded in our system which can be accessed by ourgarden waste crews. Please leave your bin at the kerbside so that we can collect it. Your Questions Answered | Garden Waste Subscription Service
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