Five lesser-known Liverpool timeslips : r/timeslip - Reddit ( the past that is already paradoxically there) Rather than the other way round. Thanks for sharing! But now, after reading your article, I wonder. Suddenly, he saw a young woman looking up at the shop sign. I stepped out of Central Station next to the Lyceum and put my foot on the road to head across to Waterstones. Now, you may think that Sean was making the story up to escape from the guard. He looked in the window of Cripps and saw no books on display, but womens handbags and shoes. Bold Street in 1963 Liverpool has its fair share of urban legends, spooky tales and local myths - but perhaps none more puzzling than the 'timeslips' of Bold Street.
The Time Slips Of Bold Street, Liverpool | Spooky Isles Time Slips: Urban Legend, Ghost Story, or Utter Nonsense? - Icy Sedgwick Nell Rose (author) from England on January 09, 2020: Yeah I watched that too Gary, great series, LOL! most people would say a certain time or clothing to show the past, and even music etc. At the time I just put it down to me being weird but it was only recently that I heard about Time Slips and made the connection and it bugs me to this day that I didn't just walk over to the cafe and talk to the people there. lol! Thanks so much Faith, and you too! I had never heard of Bold Street time slips before but on telling a friend what had happened to me he told me about the phenomena. Leaning over the stand, he took a look at the front page of the Daily Post. I Just watched a documentary on the Bold Street phenomenon and learned about the circle that could potentially be a cause for these experiences. Soon he began to feel that something was not quite right and began to panic. The strange thing about the Bold street time slips, is the actual time and place they are set. Based in the West of Scotland, she spends her spare time visiting various haunted locations within the UK and Ireland. tee hee). It is known for its cafs and for the Church of St Luke, which is situated at the top end. Like Tesla once said, how been electrocuted he saw a glimpse of past present and future at the same time, and he is a very credible person, just look is history and what he gave us. The road looked different, and so did the pavement. It might just be. When they entered, he was surprised and pleased to see that it had indeed turned back into a bookshop. I think this phenomenon happens more often than we realise. When Frank finally said goodbye to his friend, he travelled to Bold Street, where he was surprised to see that the bookshop had changed its name to Cripps, with the new name displayed above the door. I do think a lot of ghost stories are in fact time slips but I doubt if we will ever know, but thanks so much for reading, nell. Silva Hayes from Spicewood, Texas on November 07, 2015: Another interesting article from you, Nell Rose! Maybe ghosts are not the dead wandering around, but us somehow able to see something of the past. Sighing with relief, he looked around and realised that he had returned to the present. He soon realized that actually it wasn't a problem with him, but the atmosphere around him. The Bold Street Time Slip is Real. Nell Rose (author) from England on April 07, 2018: How fascinating! I supposed he could have doubled back and then walked down again but I think we woulod have noticed him if he had doubled back and then walked the exact same way again.
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