Council Tax - Tell us about any changes | Newcastle City Council Change in circumstances of the person responsible to pay the tax depending upon the fact how many dependents are residing with him, or how many independents are residing with him who can share his tax burden. Your council should have sent you a letter when you first claimed CTR to tell you how much you get. There are some changes you'll need to report to your local council if you get Council Tax Reduction (CTR). You can continue getting CTR for up to 13 weeks, as long as: you intend to return home if the residential care home doesnt suit you, you dont let or sublet your home while youre away, you havent been away from home for more than 52 weeks. If you do not tell us about a change in your circumstance within a month of the change you could . Kirkham grandparents forced to use food bank to cope with soaring bills, Lancashire's new Covid cases by area after Plan B rules eased, Maniac driver mowed down officer then complained about rough handling when he was arrested, Blackpool holidaymaker left hundreds out of pocket after hotel says they can't check in, Kerry Joines from Stoke was hoping to stay at the Blackpool Promenade Hotel over the weekend, but it was a nightmare from start to finish, DWP PIP and DLA claimants issued 1,122 monthly cost of living warning. How Council Tax works: Working out your Council Tax - GOV.UK They might let you be away for up to 8 weeks and keep getting CTR. To keep updated, follow LancsLive on Facebook and @LiveLancs on Twitter. Privacy You don't have to tell the council about changes to your benefits if you're still getting the guarantee part of Pension Credit. Change in your circumstances Please use our online form to report any change (s) in your circumstances. Blackpool Council READ MORE: Kirkham grandparents forced to use food bank to cope with soaring bills. Sort Code: 20-10-11. <> %PDF-1.5 Blackpool Council Tax | Ways to pay your Council Tax Council leader Coun Lynn Williams said: We know the challenges that our residents and businesses are facing as we come out of the pandemic, and the last thing we want to do is to cut services that are so vitally needed. A. The government's current plan is that existing benefit claimants will be moved over to Universal Credit (UC) in a process called 'managed migration'. The proposed 2.99 per cent increase is in line with government expectations and includes one per cent for social care. H Tell us about changes to your address or your circumstances. The tables we've put together at the bottom of this piece provide a . Council Tax Support If you are on a low income, you might be able to get Council Tax Support Register or tell us about a change Let us know about a change of address, name or any other. Change of Circumstances - Hertsmere Borough Council
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