Begonia maculata requires direct, bright light. . With a little bit of care, these begonias will reward you with their striking beauty for years to come. Polka dot begonias are vigorous growers, and can soon outgrow their pot. How Do You Prune A Shishi Gashira Camellia? Even though begonia maculata plants come from tropical rainforests, average room temperatures are ideal. Whether you choose Begonia Angel Wing or Begonia Maculata, youre sure to have a stunning and unique addition to your indoor plant collection. Dont be afraid if your Begonia maculata is affected, but you need to take action as soon as possible for your plant to keep growing well. Turning the leaves over reveals stunning crimson-red undersides. Because begonias thrive in damp environments, the natural instinct is to shower the foliage. Fertilizer is needed for the Begonia maculata plant to grow healthy and also for it to blossom. Leaves; Begonia maculatas leaves are eye-catching. How to tell if begonia maculata wightii or angel wing? When you visit the site, Dotdash Meredith and its partners may store or retrieve information on your browser, mostly in the form of cookies. May key similarities between the Begonia maculata and angel wing come down to the fact they are both cane begonias. It has been introduced into Mexico, Cuba, the Dominican Republic, and Argentina. You will only get a new, good variety so if you want something similar to the mother plant, use leaf or stem cuttings. Fungal diseases or bacterial diseases that affect begonias include powdery mildew, leaf spot, botrytis, and Pythium root rot. With its spotted leaves and beautiful pink blossoms, its an eye-catching accent for your favorite sunny room. Make sure you spray on the, of the Begonia maculata plant leaves because thats where the pests hide. Angel Wing begonias can grow up to 2 feet tall and wide, making them ideal for large indoor spaces. My Begonia Maculata grows well in front of a west-facing window and receives a couple of hours of direct sunshine in the afternoon. Id keep any cuttings you get because begonias reproduce easily from cuttings when kept in water. Both plants are from the family of cane begonias, and this shows in their growth. Begonia Maculata: Care Tips for Growing and Propagation, is a precious plant that has unique leaves. The main aspects of its care that should take precedence are proper watering and well-draining soil; these will help prevent root rot, which can be a problem if the soil remains wet for too long. Begonia Maculata Care - How To Grow Polka Dot Begonia Each larva can feed on about 600 aphids or thrips within a minimum period of two weeks, and the female lacewing is capable of laying as many eggs in a short period of time. Make sure you water your plant regularly but check its moisture content first. You can control aphids and thrips by introducing green lacewing larvae in your garden.
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