Azure Account: Your overall account to start you Azure journey. By submitting this form you consent to allow A Cloud Guru and our affiliate, Pluralsight LLC, to store and process the personal information submitted above to provide you with requested information and to email you information about sales, exclusive offers, and the latest info from A Cloud Guru and Pluralsight. If you read further they actually say that you need a Microsoft Account: Not the Microsoft account. Azure web: Coadministrators per subscription - Unlimited. For the last couple of days, I am trying to understand the relationship between Azure account, Subscription, and Directory and Resource Groups. Get fully managed, single tenancy supercomputers with high-performance storage and no data movement. But the questions says "microsoft account only" which is incorrect because you need an AD account, You can sign up to Azure with a Github account as well - Manage your Azure environment yourselfor get help from a partner. contain actual questions and answers from Cisco's Certification Exams. AzManagementGroup related Az PowerShell cmdlets mention that the -GroupId is alias of -GroupName parameter Select the subscription that was created when you signed up for free account. So, the costs can't be aggregated. Select Subscriptions. You can also use a trial subscription, but the subscription expires after a specific amount of time or consumption charges. Azure AD Mailbag: Azure Subscriptions and Azure AD - Microsoft NO Thank you for asking this question on the Microsoft Q&A Platform. CFA and Chartered Financial Analyst are registered trademarks owned by CFA Institute. As you later explain in your Build mission-critical solutions to analyze images, comprehend speech, and make predictions using data. It's amazing how worded pooly this is. to isolate resources between different departments, projects, regional offices, and so on. In order to take advantage of Azures cloud-based services, you must Have the option to choose an Azure support plan. The answer is No, No, No. However, using a Microsoft account is the most common method of managing an Azure subscription. 3 is NO An Azure resource group cannot contain subscriptions., "To gain access to the Microsoft Azure management portal, you must have an Azure subscription and a Microsoft account associated with that subscription.
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