For more information about ASIO, please . The environment is busy and the work can be stressful, but ASIO officers take care of each other and the Organisation provides a number of support services for our all staff. Apply for ASIO as well, but those are other options. Careers with ASIO | Australian Security Intelligence Organisation Surveillance Officer with the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO) information on the role and requirements. a This is due to the fact that in applying for this position, you also apply for a high-level security clearance. Line managers and colleagues are supportive and the organisation ensures we have the relevant training to do our jobs, which certainly assists in feeling supported. Employees from technical areas are brought in to provide insight into the suitability of actions from a technical standpoint, and Im along to both understand the process and contribute. Generally I am not expected to work on weekends. The ASIO recruitment process can be lengthy due to the requirement that ASIO Officers hold a security clearance, so youll need to be patient! While it is late today, the first job for tomorrow will be organising a time to meet with the external providers and get to the bottom of the issue. Here I started washing dishes in the kitchen before working my way up through some more enjoyable roles. Final check of the phone for texts before heading into the office. The Technologists Graduate Program is looking for people who have studied STEM and ICT subjects such as Cyber Security, Computer Forensics, Mathematics, Data Science/Analytics, Network Engineering, Software Engineering/Development, Telecommunications, Electrical, Mechanical, Computer Engineering, Information Security and ICT Systems Integration and Management. For the Intelligence Professionals program, you will earn between $83,936 and $90,107. As well as the above roles, ASIO recruits psychologists, lawyers and linguists, as well as corporate staff in areas such as IT, HR, communications and finance. We welcome applications from all eligible candidates, irrespective of gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, religious affiliation, age or disability. The Organisation will work with you and support you through the good times, as well as the more challenging times. Productive Compare your scores with others and track your progress using your personal analytics dashboard. Once I reached high school we moved to Canberra and Ive been here ever since.
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