All Vehicles will have a Bill of Sale upon request. Our greatest purpose and honor is to work alongside our clients to guide them through whatever situation they may find themselves. bray auctions - Oklahoma's Auction Professionals A photo ID is required for admission. The online bidding platform will close at a rate of 1 item per minute. All vehicles are sold AS IS, all bids are final. No one under 18 years of age will be allowed on the yard. The sale you are looking at occurred in the past. Fax: 405-236-3502 Email: 700 N Villa Ave, Oklahoma City, OK 73107 Release My Vehicle to an Insurance Company or Third Party (See online form at bottom) Release to Insurance Form (pdf) Liberacin al seguro - Espaol (pdf) Release My Vehicle/Property to Another Person 2-37.9. Pick up time is 8am to 5pm Monday through Friday, closed noon to one pm for lunch. The locksmith is not an employee of Storey Wrecker Service, Inc. and you must pay him directly. If you choose to spend money making repairs of any kind before the paperwork is approved, you will be doing so at your own risk. With over thirty tow trucks and over forty employees, Arrow Wrecker Service offers a full line of towing solutions to all types of clients. 12/27 - Guthrie Commercial RE - Former Guthrie Daily Leader; UNDER CONTRACT- 10924 Shady Oaks Ln, Guthrie; SOLD! 2018 Arrow Wrecker. 60. Oklahoma Car Auctions - Police Auctions USA It is the buyers responsibility to review and judge vehicle condition before bidding. Auction Details: Auctions are held every other week. Please note that Craigslist has stopped allowing external images as well as most html tags in their "for sale" listings. Bray Auctions uses the most up to date options for our marketing, listing, and conduction of auctions. Arrow Wrecker Auction is not responsible for any errors or omissions contained on these pages, H:23:32:02 T: 1682976722 D:1 14400 WL:1 PT:180 No Target V: JustBlue SH:ND D:/workspace/web TD: /tmp LT: 0 R: LOG: 0 MS:NO E: GV:[0]. Our Family has been useing Arrow for the last 12 years, and has always gotten a Fair Price. We have provided top-quality services including auto towing of all vehicles, heavy-duty recovery, and sinkhole recovery services as well as our parking garage wrecker service. All bidders must sign in and take a number. DALLAS CITY CODE SEC. However, until that time please refer to this posting area, or the Lone Star website listed previously for the most current information regarding the Dallas Auto Pound auction status. All rights reserved. We currently anticipate that the live auction will return sometime in the future.
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