4 0 obj /Border [ 0 0 0 ] >> And his description of Aristotle as an ethical generalist depends upon his own view about the role of ethical science in practical reasoning which, as we will see, is not unproblematic. Aristotle on the Essence of Happiness. In Studies in Aristotle,ed. Select Chapter 2 - Useless Contemplation as an Ultimate End, Select Chapter 3 - The Threptic Basis of Living, Select Chapter 4 - Authoritative Functions, Ultimate Ends, and the Good for Living Organisms, Select Chapter 5 - The Utility Question Restated and How Not to Address It, Select Chapter 9 - The Anatomy of Aristotelian Virtue, Select Chapter 10 - Some Concluding Reflections, Find out more about saving to your Kindle, Aristotle on the Uses of Contemplation - Title page, Note on Texts, Translations, and Abbreviations. It is both a quick read (as scholarly commentaries go), and a must-read', Howard J. Curzer And he cites other uses of kata to back this up: e.g. >> Natali, Carlo. On this basis, Walker argues that contemplation also benefits humans as perishable living organisms by actively guiding human life activity, including human self-maintenance. Nonetheless, Walker's point is that this conception of value is oddly discontinuous with other key Aristotelian commitments: notably, the commitment that nature does nothing in vain, and thus could not provide animals with an authoritative function that is wholly irrelevant to their biological and practical self-maintenance. q Where he is original is in arguing, further, for an 'accordance-inclusivist reading' (21): not only is contemplation the dominant end within eudaimonia, it also directs our other life-activities, so that they accord with it (19). /pdfrw_0 Do The second wave articulates how logos here is a function not merely of practical, but also -- ultimately and most saliently -- of contemplative nous. /MediaBox [ 0 0 430 784.65000 ] From this analysis of the practical syllogism, we can see that practical wisdom directly involves various forms of theoretical knowledge, including knowledge of ethical science. /Font 19 0 R All practical reasons aim at a target, which corresponds to the major premise of a syllogism that states a universal, invariant, scientific law, grasped through understanding (nous) -- in the most general case, a definition of human happiness. 7, 1178a2 10. /Rect [ 17.01000 694.19000 89.08000 685.19000 ] More signs of physiognomy in Aristotle: human heads in HA I 8-11, http://nrs.harvard.edu/urn-3:hlnc.essay:ReeceB.Happiness_According_to_Aristotle.2019. /A << /I1 38 0 R /Type /Annot /Border [ 0 0 0 ] /S /URI La Saggezza di Aristotele. /Subtype /Link >> Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. >> Aristotle - Philosophy of mind | Britannica /pdfrw_0 80 0 R This interpretation solves a major problem for the standard view: it is on that view, wrongly, an open question whether any particular instance of theoretical contemplation is performed in the right way, at the right time, and for the right reasons.
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