Private entrepreneurs, however, are judged, in their profit and loss accounts, by how well they promote positive externalities and repress negative ones. It is of course true that builders and lenders can make mistakes, and that some over crowded structures might be built, but the inexorable forces of profit and loss would ensure that such errors were few in number. While citizens have a clear and obvious right to have their homes protected from physical damage, this does not apply to the value of their property. Oppose rezoning applications that do not promote healthy growth nor benefit existing residents. The days of three-district zoning with two or three pages of regulations have long since passed. The typical pro-zoning argument is couched not in terms of undue strain on halls and elevators, which are internal to the building, but rather in terms of the effects of high density on social overhead capital: electricity, gas, water, sewers, roads, sidewalks, parking, public transit, parksall of which are external to the subject premises, i.e., externalities. Any such mal-zoning would only, in the long run, reduce the landlords total receipts. Supporters, decrying mistruths by opponents that the bill would end single-family zoning, said the legislation would help ease the affordable housing shortage. Bivins Road is two lane. There is a vast reservoir of private zoning efforts operating in the economy, unreported, under- publicized. For instance, in tracking the presence of inclusionary zoning programs, should both voluntary and mandatory programs be included? For surely there are other amenities necessary for the successful functioning of a large office building, which are or can be considered externalities, but which do not concern the city planner nor unduly worry anyone else: for example, restaurants, barber shops, banks, jewelry stores, pharmacies, stationers, and the like. Relaxing zoning requirements will only change housing outcomes if zoning is a binding constraint in the first place. Divergent Tastes Declining Property Values First, like any voluntary survey, response rates tend to be low, and following up with recalcitrant participants is expensive.
Zoning Has the regulatory environment in your jurisdiction become more or less stringent over the past 10 years? This question could plausibly elicit different answers from staff working in the same jurisdiction, depending on their length of service with the department and their personal interpretation. One might perhaps contract with an insurance company for the preservation of home values, but the cost of the premium payments would have to be subtracted, thus defeating the plan. The effects of incompatible uses on property values are traced. The current zoning laws that apply to the property. While advocates view inclusionary zoning as a way to increase the stock of economically integrated affordable homes at little cost to the public, critics charge that inclusionary zoning policies amount to a tax on new development that unduly But the very need to grant numerous exceptions, as a continuing institu tionalized process, has belied this claim. Their first thoughts are concerned with physical expansion, adding extra shifts, providing more services. Be the bureaucrat ever so honest, he will be sorely tempted by a share in these gainsespecially in an era where rezoning is an easily contrived and commonplace occurrence. Durham is known for its variety of living stylesfrom center city to rural.
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