I think paying for it is the right thing to do, but if you were to challenge it in court, you'd most likely win unless you were being wreckless with your shot (like trying to hit it over the house, etc). The golfer is responsible for any damages that he caused.
Who Is Responsible For A Golf Ball Breaking A Window? (Solution) Right click on the X and choose Properties.
What Happens if I Hit a House When Im Golfing? Make In this example the image file must be in public_html/cgi-sys/images/. The big question is whos liable to pay for those damages: the homeowner, the golf course or neither. Its called errant golf ball liability when a stray golf ball hits someones window or causes other damages unintentionally, WMBF reported. See how theres pieces missing on the stairs. 23 A&M's 11-4 comeback win, Photo Gallery: No. Sure, sometimes youre just in the wrong place at the right time, but repeating that tired clich isnt going to magically fix your windshield. Turned out the previous owner had replaced the glass with plexiglass due to repeated broken windows. Nor does it appear that the golfer was sued so as to directly raise the issue of his liability. I've always felt the golf course home/lot is WAY overrated and even though I'm an avid golfer, would never care to live on a course. Other owners, assuming they live on the fairway, have been not so lucky and encountered, golfers who were less than gentlemen. So therefore I feel the school should be responsible for reimbursing the $172 cost of the windshield. How Much Does a Windshield Replacement Cost? Test your website to make sure your changes were successfully saved. Does anyone has any experience to share? He actually thanked me for being understanding of the situation. One that is sometimes mentioned is Thomas v. Wheat, 2006 OK CIV APP 106 (2006) , in which the court reversed a golfer's summary judgment and sent the case back for trial applying a "zone of risk" analysis to define the scope of the golfer's duty for negligence pursposes. There are companies on the market that sell a golf ball screen for your windows. The owner walked right up to him and handed him his ball, as she saw him hit it. In Texas, many golf course communities and their homeowners associations have provisions in their CCR (covenants, conditions and RewriteEngine On However, I have heard different answers on who is responsible for damages to property. If it was the home/neighborhood, then either the golf courses general liability policy or the golfers homeowners policy should cover damage to a house caused by the golfer.
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