But God is not surprised by such intrusions. In the New Testament, the apostle Paul makes a clear distinction between unpardonable sin and the sins for which the blood of Jesus can atone. One passage says blasphemy against God is unforgivable, and so are thoughts that might lead to it. Are blasphemous thoughts unforgivable? Whether it be a fear of harmless creatures, or a fear that God has suddenly turned unforgiving, if medication can ease the fear and help one act more rationally, Im all for it. WebSuppose you have a thought that is heart-stopping blasphemous, maybe an image of yourself stabbing a loved one, an urge to desecrate a picture of Jesus, or an idea that you are a sexual pedophile. Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is an unpardonable, eternal sin. Blasphemy Before coming to Talbot, Berding was a church planter in the Middle East and taught at Nyack College just north of New York City. Trusting what Christ did on the cross is the only way to please the Holy Lord. Not to be sold. It has put my life on pause because I feel like I am going to be left behind and that terrifies me. I keep telling Jesus that I am sorry, and powerless to get rid of this false image of him. There was this fear in me that if I were to say something against the Holy Spirit, I would be condemned for all eternity. The point, for Matthew, is that whatever resides in peoples hearts begins to show up in how people live and speak (fruit). Theres Hope! Try telling yourself, Whatever I do, I must not think of elephants in polka dot pajamas. The very act of trying not to think of them will cause you to think of them. I start thinking of them on my own because I know that they are lurking somewhere in my mind and I feel like I just want to get it over with. Jesus also warns the teachers of the law, who were dangerously close to blasphemy. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device.
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