The use of face masks while spectating team sports, whether organized or pickup games, whether meets or practices, and while at enclosed or indoor park facilities is mandatory at all times. 3. Emergency Bridge Loan Program for Small Businesses, Community Health of South Florida - Doris Ison Health Center, Community Health of South Florida - Loren Roberts Park, Community Health of South Florida - Martin Luther King Jr./Clinica Campesina Health Center, Central Broward Park & Broward County Stadium, C.B. We encourage you to apply for your permit electronically if you can do so. Effective September 14, 2020, this amendment sets the Countywide curfew at 11:00 p.m. instead of 10:00 p.m. Coronavirus Relief Fund (CRF) Mortgage Assistance Program. All general field areas (green spaces), hard courts, sand courts, paths and tracks, all other recreational facilities such as recreation buildings, exercise equipment, skate park, gymnasiums, bike racks, tot-lots and playground equipment, are open for use by the public. Debe estar al da con las licencias comerciales y los impuestos. 6. PROGRAMA DE PROTECCIN DE CHEQUES DE PEQUEAS EMPRESAS (PPP). Most people recover from COVID-19 without needing special treatment. The curfew runs from 11:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. nightly until further notice. Food service business establishments shall not allow social gathering at, near or in the vicinity of the walk-up service window or on the premises of the food service business establishment.
Our office is operating internally with on-site reduced staff and tele-working staff. This Order shall remain in effect for the period of time the Citys declaration of emergency remains in effect or until rescinded or modified, whichever occurs first. Once the customer places an order at a walk-up service window, the customer shall wait for delivery of the order inside a parked vehicle. You must be in a vehicle to receive the unemployment application. We are currently not performing overtime inspections or conducting expedited plan review. La Ciudad de Hialeah emiti una orden siguiendo la Orden de Emergencia del Condado de Miami-Dade 03-20 y 07-20 que ordena que todos los establecimientos de entretenimiento y negocios no esenciales cierren a los clientes hasta nuevo aviso, a causa del COVID-19 coronavirus y aumento de casos de transmisin comunitaria en el sur de Florida. The Special Meeting of the Charter School Oversight Committee is called to discuss eligibility and application for a loan under the Paycheck Protection Program of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act) to fund permitted charter school operational costs. Miami-Dade County Public Schools partners with the University of Miami Health System Pediatric Mobile Clinic to offer FREE COVID-19 Testing for all children in Miami-Dade County Ages 4-18 Continue to send your requests for inspections as usual to Todos los pasajeros deben permanecer dentro de los vehculos desde la llegada hasta la salida. 5. 2 TOMIAMI-DADE COUNTY EMERGENCY ORDER 26-20. As a result of the public health emergency caused by Coronavirus (COVID-19), the restrictions on person-to-person contact, social distancing guidelines, and stay-athome orders to stop the spread of COVID-19 promulgated by national, state, local authorities and as authorized by Governor Ronald DeSantiss Executive Order 2069 (March 20, 2020), this Special Public Meeting will be held utilizing communications media technology, including video and telephonic conferencing. 1. This Emergency Order shall be strictly adhered to at all times while the Citys declaration of emergency remains in effect and enforceable pursuant to Florida law.
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