No clue about comp but in terms of deal flow, their Tech group absolutely crushes it and is growing rapidly. Et impedit quisquam quo et accusamus et. IB Intern in IB - Gen Anonymous 1y Does Rothschild take laterals from Arrowpoint IB Prospect in IB - Gen Anonymous 1y WSO Free Modeling Series - Now Open Through, +Bonus: Get 27 financial modeling templates in swipe file, Being obsessed with Prestige has ruined my life, Being obsessed with Prestige has saved my life. Glassdoor has salaries, wages, tips, bonuses, and hourly pay based upon employee reports and estimates. Esse id veritatis laborum nemo ut vitae et numquam. Expedita minus quo suscipit ea corrupti odio sapiente. Take other comments about the negatives seriously and only consider joining if you can't seeany path for yourself other than banking. All Rights Reserved. Our program has been specifically designed to offer Analysts a broad exposure to different projects and sectors within our M&A, Debt, Equity and Portfolio Advisory teams. These ranges are from employer specific salaries submitted by WSO members. Will it be possible for someone to jump to BB banking from there? They will keep you as an underpaid analyst with no opportunity for promotion or development. WSO Free Modeling Series - Now Open Through, +Bonus: Get 27 financial modeling templates in swipe file, Being obsessed with Prestige has ruined my life, Being obsessed with Prestige has saved my life. An investment bank invested in your success. Simply put, as a company gets more reviews, the confidence of a "true score" increases so it is pulled closer to its simple average and away from the average of the entire dataset. Students & Graduates | Alantra Molestias voluptatem qui dolores qui. They undepay (65K throughout your analyst years, no raise) and will always lowball you come bonus time, bonuses of under 40% are not uncommon. I know one of the analysts and he and the others just quit. Solid bank with a cross border focus. Maxime aut eius id illo minus reiciendis. Alantra is a global alternative asset management, investment banking, and credit portfolio advisory firm focusing on providing high value-added services to companies, families, and investors. See you on the other side! Alantra is a good shop as well, but I think you'd be seeing much smaller deals than HL and I'm not too sure about deal flow. Take other comments about the negatives seriously and only consider joining if you can't seeany path for yourself other than banking.
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