Afirma Suspicious results - Thyroid cancer - Inspire That didn't sit well with me. I also recently found *another* article written by an endocrine surgeon Sam Wiseman from the Department of Surgery ,St.Paul's Hospital University Of British Columbia for the site Gland Surgery where he also points out real concerns that half of patients(as I said I know it's more,from all of the people I have found posting on thyroid boards) with benign nodules wrongly classified as "suspicious" by the Afirma test are getting unnecessary thyroid surgery because this Afirma result influenced a lot of endocrinologists and their patients to have the thyroid surgery! The original Afirma GSC validation study showed: 54% of ITNs return a benign Afirma GSC result (GSC-B) When categorized by the Afirma test as GSC-B, the risk of thyroid cancer is < 4% When categorized by the genomic test as suspicious (GSC-S), the risk of thyroid cancer is ~50% Recently I change insurance and in doing so, my new doctor ordered a ultrasound which showed the nodule and he felt it was nothing to worry about. Please click on this link below about the woman with a 1-1 and half cm solid hypoechoic nodule who had an inconclusive Fine Needle biopsy which was suspicious as a follicular neoplasm and mine is being called a follicular neoplasm with oncocytic (hurthle cell features) ,this woman had her FNA nodule sample tested by the veractye Afirma Test which is what I had done,the results came back telling her that her that their results on her FNA was highly suspicious and that because of this her endo told her she had an 80% chance of having thyroid cancer and so she had her thyroid out and found out it was benign! The aim of this study was to find out how often indeterminate thyroid biopsy specimens which were read as suspicious by the GEC test were ultimately diagnosed as noninvasive follicular variant papillary thyroid cancer after surgery. Arma XA is not performed on GSC Benign nodules.7 IIIIV Atypia of Undetermined Signicance and transmitted securely. Please Help! Molecular markers: genes and microRNAs that are expressed in benign or cancerous cells. 1). And he said he doesn't think the Afirma test is as accurate as they say. benign), 25% of cases had follicular variant papillary thyroid cancer, 2% of cases had classical papillary thyroid cancer and 8% of cases had follicular thyroid cancer. An official website of the United States government. On cytologic evaluation 3.0% of the cases were non diagnostic (ND), 9% benign, 62% AUS, and 26% suspicious for neoplasm (SN). See Somatic Mutation Testing - Solid Tumors guideline for criteria. Lastly I do 25mcg of levothyroxine once a day for Hypothyroidism, it was prescribed based on lab results, not on how I was feeling. The surgeon was great. THE FULL ARTICLE TITLE I'm ready for my next step. At the end of the day, it is what it is now that I SWALLOWED (no pun intended) the I-131 pill, hopefully it won't work against me. This nodule is solid, hypoechoic, increased central vascularity and now possible microcalcification.
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