This site is using cookies under cookie policy . Jean-Claude Duvalier, who died of a heart attack on October 4, 2014, became the unwilling . [22], In the early years of his rule, Duvalier was able to take advantage of the strategic weaknesses of his powerful opponents, mostly from the mulatto elite. His regime was notorious for its autocratic and corrupt rule. The vote of approval was an nounced as 2,391,916. years of military rule in Haiti, U.S. intervention ushered . In 2007, John Marquis wrote Papa Doc: Portrait of a Haitian Tyrant,[49] which relied in part on records from a 1968 espionage trial in Haiti to detail numerous attempts on Duvalier's life. Mrs. Yvonne Rimpel, director of the antiDuvalier fortnightly L'Escale, was beaten uncon scious before her children and taken by a dozen Tontons to the outskirts of PortauPrince, where they tortured and raped her and left her dying. This item is part of a JSTOR Collection. Due to his profession and expertise in the medical field, he acquired the nickname "Papa Doc". When Duvalier was stricken by a heart attack in 1959, Barbot acted in his stead. Franois Duvalier | president of Haiti | Britannica roly-poly Jean-Claude. "Papa Doc" redirects here. Advertising. After an emergence as leader in democratic elections in 1957, Franois Duvalier, later to be known as Papa Doc, increasingly became known for . The Tonton Macoute force was created by the president to eliminate defectors, and everybody was too scared to express dissent. Even his campaign workers openly boast ed that they could easily manip ulate him and some rewrote his campaign speeches without even consulting him. Duvalier Flashcards | Quizlet Prval, faced with political infighting among the groups that had supported Aristide, dissolved the parliament in 1999. Papa Doc s Feint: The misled opposition and the consolidation of Many Haitians left the country to escape abuses and poor economic conditions. In October 1937 troops and police from the Dominican Republic massacred thousands of Haitian labourers living near the border. Which is the best general statement about the role of government in business [5], Franois Duvalier was elected president on 22 September 1957. Near the end of his life, Duvalier faced a contracting economy, withdrawal of most U.S. aid, and a decline in tourism; in response he relaxed some of the severe repression and terror that had characterized his early regime. He was known to be strongly against and attack his opponents and was even said . [20]:101, After Fulgencio Batista (a friend of Duvalier)[20]:92 was overthrown in the Cuban Revolution, Duvalier worried that new Cuban leader Fidel Castro would provide a safe haven for Haitian dissidents. Throwing support behind Dumarsais Estims government, Duvalier served in the Ministries of Public Health and Labor, giving him his first role in government. Haiti under Duvalier was, in effect, a police state. Haiti's former ruler Jean-Claude "Baby Doc" Duvalier has died of a heart attack in the capital Port-au-Prince aged 63, official sources say. As a subscriber, you have 10 gift articles to give each month. The journal appears in March, June, September and December. On September 25, 1956, Physician Francois "Papa Doc" Duvalier seizes power in a military coup d'tat and is elected president a year later. His regime of terror quelled political dissent, causing nearly 30,000 deaths, but at the same time achieved for Haiti an unusual degree of political stabilization. Terror, Repression and Diaspora: The Baby Doc Legacy in Haiti
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