The colonel of the 13th, 23-year-old Walter Stewart, became the Second's new commander. List of Continental Army Units in 1777 to 1780 - American Revolutionary War To determine the counties and townships that made up Pennsylvania Militia Units (1775), visit the Pennsylvania Achieves website. Revolutionary War: ROLL OF ANCESTORS: Pennsylvania Society . On October 14, under pressure from the British rejoined the main force at Ticonderoga. He was replaced by Col. John Phillip DeHaas of Lebanon. Organized in between September 28- December 18, 1776 at Sunbury to consist of 8 companies from Northampton, Berks, Cumberland and Northumberland Counties. The 7th Pennsylvania fought at Middlebrook, New Jersey on June 17. The 7th Pennsylvania was present at Whitemarsh but did not fight. Civil War. For line troops, neither the type of service rendered nor the term of enlistment was uniform. John Pugh's Independent Company to guard Powder Mill at French Creek. Jacob Dellinger was born in 1751 at Hellman Township, York County. 7th Pennsylvania Regiment | Military Wiki | Fandom After each tour of duty was completed, all of the privates and the company and field officers were returned to their permanent battalion billets. Posey Micajah 63 Laborer East Nantmeal Pennsylvania 7th Regiment 1776 Taken prisoner at the seige of Ft. 1820 Washington 33390-33391 Soldier Quaintance Hannah Widow East Fallowfield 33392 1836 Quaintance . John Doyle's Independent Rifle Company. Consolidated and reorganized on July 1, 1778 with the. Uwchlan Citizens in 7th Battalion Chester County Militia - 1777. This page is not available in other languages. Francis Bonner; 5th Company: . Since the company captain and lower officers were also called up, their identities provide a clue to the permanent class, company, and battalion to which a particular individual belonged. Philadelphia County Revolutionary War Militia Pennsylvania Archives volumes and not directly from original archival records. The 7th Pennsylvania was part of the force that attacked the blockhouse under Wayne at Bergen Heights on july 21, 1780. The Pennsylvania Line; Regimental Organization and Operations, 1776-1783. The 7th Pennsylvania Regiment was an infantry unit raised on 4 January 1776 at Carlisle, Pennsylvania for service with the Continental Army under Brigadier General Anthony Wayne during the American Revolutionary War. Under Stewart it operated along the New York-New Jersey border and moved to Middlebrook, New Jersey, in early December for the winter of 1778-79. American Revolutionary War. In this contest "Lord Sterling's Division & particularly Conway's Brigade" were seen to have "remarkably distinguished themselves." Entered Valley Forge with 239 assigned, 105 fit for duty. Begin Main Content Area . Diarist Joseph Plumb Martin described him as "an excellent officer, much beloved and respected by the troops of the Line he belonged to.". List of Continental Regiments in the Continental Army The company commanders could also change. Box 748 Washington Crossing, PA 18977 Street Address: 1201 River Road Washington Crossing, PA 18977 Phone: (215) 493-6776 Fax: (215) 493-9276 Open Tuesday through Saturday 10 am - 5 pm Sons of the American Revolution. At the outbreak of hostilities between the Crown and the colonies in 1775 the Pennsylvania Assembly opposed any form of mandatory military service.
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