Physicians and epidemiologists began studying the link between height and longevity more than a century ago. Its safe to say that theres nothing that you can do to make yourself 7 feet tall, nor can you eat, sleep, or train to achieve any other height, for that matter. Body size may influence women's lifespan more than it does men's And lets be honest; some 7 foot people can be intimidating to us shorter folk. Last April, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar had a quadruple bypass at the age of 68. (forwards and centers). PLOS ONE promises fair, rigorous peer review, Nevertheless, the relationship between height and quality of life (particularly early to midlife) and eminence/higher social status may be less clear and different than the height-mortality link, where quality of life is more socially constructed and mortality is more biologically linked to health. something you read on this site. Find a personal loan in 2 minutes or less. Further, the tallest players (95th percentile) had similar ages of death to the mean age of death for all players in their respective birth decades (e.g., players in the 95th percentile of height born in 1920 or earlier had a mean age of death of 75.9 years compared to 76.7 years for all players born during the same time span). How much should you contribute to your 401(k)? Now, Im not saying that this weight range is healthy or unhealthy; Im simply saying that this is what I believe to be the average weight range for a 7 foot male. However, there is some research that heavily suggests that taller people do indeed die younger than their shorter counterparts. Tall people, we now know, suffer more illness even when gender is eliminated as a variable. I'm male, 5'6. I want to see great grand-kids and maybe great-great grand kids. A 2011 Sports Illustrated article claimed that there was a 17 percent chance that any American man with. Various biological and physiological parameters change with increases in body size [9], and some of the most robust explanations for this apparent inherent detriment of greater height includes reduced cell replication potential in old age to maintain body tissues and organs [6] and higher incidence of DNA and free radical damage [10]. Always been the tallest, just recently quit growing last year and I'm 6'8. (approx. Chinese 14-year-old confirmed as tallest teenager in the world Just ask him highlights a growing concern and fatalistic view of lifespan longevity amongst former professional basketball players [1]. They ate 36 percent fewer calories than mainland Japanese counterparts as kids, and 17 percent less as adults. Descriptively, the tallest players (top 5%) died younger than the shortest players (bottom 5%) in all but one birth decade (19411950). Life Expectancy Calculator - Bankrate For the survival analyses, a t-test median and trichotomized tertile split of height per birth decade was performed to also account for the changing anthropometric birth cohort effects.
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