Conway's Brigade of Lord Stirling's Division, John Rees (unfinished), Lafayette in the Age of the American Revolution. When the one-year enlistment for the soldiers was up in 1776, the Continental Congress had to re-raise the army. The 7th Continental Regiment, also known as Prescott's Regiment, was raised April 23, 1775, as a Massachusetts militia regiment at Cambridge, Massachusetts, under Colonel William Prescott.The regiment joined the Continental Army in June 1775. Duncan, Jesse; Philadelphia county; lieutenant in the flying camp, August, 1776.
The Continental Army of 1777-1780 6th Regiment of the Pennsylvania Civil War Volunteers 85 0 obj<>stream
:[m6:>:',XzKOoNXW3v_8(kY" ~ L3xrK3Q@M'GnfNx=b%u-T2/. The regiment was officially disbanded in January, 1783, although in reality, no regiment had existed since 1781. us
Previous: 6TH PENNSYLVANIA REGIMENT. KtIlOI!VM$-zbB%H8z |e#3pN *{Aji+IT2HDU4}c2~9>FF( A
New Light on Battle Casualties: The 9th Pennsylvania Regiment at Cox, Cornelius; lieutenant colonel of the fourth battalion of Lancaster county, associators, commanded by Colonel James Burd; in service, 1776. Grirlen, James, Jun'r; private in Captain George Jenkins' company, second regiment, Pennsylvania line. Perry,_______; lieutenant colonel, Northampton county militia, February, 1778. photos,
months York County militia were brought in to reinforce western frontier
You can also check with your local historical society or museum. 0000002186 00000 n
The records in this collection include entire pension files for soldiers and sailors who . On New Years Day, 1781, members of the 6th Pennsylvania joined the mutiny of the Pennsylvania regiments then quartered at Morristown. American Revolution Archives. American Revolution, Historical Background of Pennsylvania Militia, John Hays Collection 1775-1827 York Co. 0000001053 00000 n
It is unknown whether the reference to the 23rd Regiment reflects an earlier or temporary name for Glover's regiment or . During 1777, the regiment participated in the Philadelphia Campaign and fought at the Battles of Brandywine (September 11) and Germantown (October 4). unit. Adjutant of the Regiment. Home; Service. Organized January-February 1776 at Chester from Chester, Bucks, and Lancaster Counties. MARCH - Four companies left the county to serve in the
PDF The German Battalion of The American Revolution PA archives ), Access to Military Service and Pension Records, PA Revolutionary War Records from Archives, George Washington Papers at the Library of Congress, 1741-1799: Series 2 Letterbooks George Washington to Battaile Muse, February A list of veterans buried in the western part of Berks county, Pennsylvania FamilySearch Library. Their revolt exhibited trends of the larger War of Independence. As a result, joining a Revolutionary War reenactment group can be a great way to get an immersive and educational experience.
York County, PA Revolutionary War Militia Genealogy - RootsWeb
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