525 W San Jose Ave is located in the 93704 Zip code of Fresno, CA. 525 San Jose has 3 parks within 3.9 miles, including Quigley Neighborhood Center, Shinzen Japanese Garden, and Woodward Park.
525 W San Jose Ave #2, Fresno, CA 93704 | Zillow $ 0 to $ 3,000, Price range: This property has 5 bedrooms, 2.8 bathrooms and approximately 3,467 sqft of floor space. Email me listings and apartment related info. Floor plans are artist's rendering. Five parks are within 5.9 miles, including Shinzen Japanese Garden, Woodward Park, and Forestiere Underground Gardens.
Our gears are turning, but we dont have enough information to generate an accurate estimate at this time. REDFIN and all REDFIN variants, TITLE FORWARD, WALK SCORE, and the R logos, are trademarks of Redfin Corporation, registered or pending in the USPTO.
525 W San Jose Ave #214-bldg 5 Apartments in Fresno | HotPads Nearby homes similar to 525 W San Jose Ave have recently sold between $685K to $1M at an average of $165 per square foot. Were working on getting current and accurate flood risk information. Apartments.com
Walk Score
Stainless Steel Appliances Washer/Dryer Factors that influenced these ratings include building design, construction, exterior spaces, and amenities. $1,435-$2,229
Fitness Center
Based on Redfin's market data, we calculate that market competition in 93704, this home's neighborhood, is very competitive. Always beware of scams. enter move in date in the format: 2 digit month / 2 digit day / 4 digit year. 525 W San Jose Ave #4, Fresno, CA 93704 is currently not for sale. 1 Bed; 1 Bath; 796 Sqft; save favorite. 7.2 mi, Clovis,
Bullard. 525 W San Jose Ave is a 42,168 square foot multi-family home on a 2.2 acre lot.
525 W San Jose Ave | Fresno, CA Apartments - ApartmentHomeLiving.com Act now and your $ purchase will include 9 additional FREE application submissions to participating properties. Please switch to a supported browser or download one of our Mobile Apps. This rental is accepting applications through Apartments.com. HowLoud.
525 San Jose - Granville Realty Were working on getting current and accurate heat risk information. $1,299-$2,189
It is also near Fresno City College and Fresno Pacific University. The leasing staff is ready and waiting for you to come take a tour. Fresno County holds a place as the nations agricultural capital, with billions of dollars in annual produce sales from crops such as almonds, grapes, cotton, nectarines and peaches. Featuring 1 and, If you are interested in more rental properties like this in. .css-1ibr892{color:#00486a;border-bottom:0.5px solid #726F6C;}.css-1ibr892:hover{border-color:#0A0F1C;}Go to property website, One sec, gathering the full amenities section, Modern Luxury in Historic Fig Garden 559-492-4000 - Just steps away from the shopping, dining, and culture of Fresno's Fig Garden Village, Granville's newest gated apartment community is full of the luxurious and energy-saving features our residents love the most. Here youll find three shopping centers within 0.4 mile of the property. Price range: $1,795 1 floorplan Check availability Amenities for 525 San Jose Apartment Amenities + In Unit Laundry + Large Dogs Allowed + Washer and Dryer *On approval of credit and verification of income and rental history. Nest Doorbell CA
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