Used in a sentence: While celebrities may act like they hate the public attention, celebrities and the media have a symbiotic relationship with one another. College Words Every Student Should Know Remember those vocabulary workbooks you had to go through in grade school? Though not originally used to describe things that happen by luck or good fortune, the word has come to be associated with the kind of serendipity associated with positive results. protection granted by a country for a political refugee who has left their native country, or a place of safety. If you dont already know the word gratuitous, its one youll want to add to your list of words to know ASAP. 10 Words Every College Student Should Know Corroborate. It is difficult to pin down exact synonyms of the word, but some terms related to myopic include: The origins of myopic can be found in the Greek words myein and ops, meaning to be closed and eye, face, respectively. What is condoned in a fraternity house, wouldnt be condoned in a church. hierarchy. Used in a sentence: Instead of speaking eloquently like his father and grandfather before him, the new king used colloquial style to address the middle class audience. overused to the point it lacks significance. For example, the same professor may point out a particularly aesthetic technique that an artist uses when sculpting. Instead of speaking eloquently like his father and grandfather before him, the new king used colloquial style to address the middle class audience. A 500-word essay is a common format assignment that students have to deal with. Another word you should add to your list of vocabulary words is the term banal. The Goal of a 500 Word Essay for College and Scholarship Applications Your goal when writing college and scholarship application essays is simple: stand out as one of the most qualified and interesting applicants. The words roots can be found in Middle English, where it referenced a fifth element of the planet referred to as the quinta essentia. Youll find all rebels on the road less travelled and the conformists in the crowd. 50. indolent wanting to avoid activity or work. Alabama, Ohio State, and Notre Dame. 2. adulterate make something worse by adding to it 1. catharsis. Having Germanic roots, the term eschew makes our contemporary list of words you should know, despite having been written off as nearly obsolete in the 1700s. Synonyms for tautological include: If you want to navigate proper speech and writing at the college level, youll want to learn the term, even though saying so seems tautological. Samanthas new boyfriend looks analogous to her previous ex-boyfriends. 500 Word Essay 72. preamble an opening statement that prepares whats to come. Theres a bad apple in every bunch, or so they say. 15. carpe diem the idea of living in the moment and not worrying about the future (translates to seize the day), Used in a sentence: I didnt want to go out, but my housemate said, Its senior year and we wont get to do this after we graduate, carpe diem.. 22. conformist a person who accepts established behavior. Used in a sentence: Many alcoholics know that they would be happier if they would eschew from drinking, but they dont have the self-will to do that. Instead of using high-level vocabulary, use simple and easy to understand words. Merriam-Webster defines emphatic as uttered with or marked by emphasis; tending to express oneself in forceful speech or to take decisive action. Synonyms include: The English term emphatic was borrowed from the French word emphatique, meaning forcefully expressive. Wherever it came from, our editors were emphatic about its inclusion in this list of words every college student should know.
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