This lesser-known geographic marker was the reference point for all surveys of the continent for 75 years. The southern parallel crosses New Zealand briefly before continuing its lonely journey across the sea, bypassing Africa entirely, making landfall for a brief traverse across windswept Patagonia in South America before heading out across the South Pacific. Wednesday-Saturday 12pm-9pm. We are so excited to start the new spring menu on Wednesday, so come in . Werni says that hard work and dedicationand his skipping a salary for the first two years of operationhave helped to position the company with a solid future. 45th Parallel tourists can still add their names to join the club and receive a commemorative coin souvenir. Werni set out to learn all he could about crafting spirits and found two generous individuals to guide him through both the regulatory and distilling processes. Follow us on social media to add even more wonder to your day. This will include a new tasting bar, cocktail bar, FOOD, a gift shop and a banquet hall for weddings, company parties and more! Wisconsin is home to one of the most unique features in the world, and by unique, we mean that the center of the world is in Wisconsin. Scott Davis, who manages the whiskey aging operations for 45th Parallel, invites the visitor on an impromptu tour of the 20,000-square-foot facility. Michigan State University chemical engineer and food scientist Kris Berglund, heralded as a driving force behind the U.S. craft distilling movement, provided Werni with advice about the science behind creating ethanol from different kinds of grains as well as how to scale operations. Please Credit: Wisconsin Historical Society. Many monuments and signs on the 45th Parallel declare that the latitude is "Halfway between the North Pole and the Equator", but again this is not precisely true due to the distortion caused by the Earth's rotation. On the west side of Door County, look for a county wayside picnic area along Highway 42 south of Egg Harbor, where this boulder marks the a point along the 45th Parallel. In May 2019, Werni will open a two-still satellite distillery in Stillwater, Minnesota, a historic river town just across the Wisconsin border.
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