Regimental Staff. The regiment consisted of 5 companies from eastern Pennsylvania, 2 companies from Baltimore County, Maryland, and 2 companies from Fredrick County, Maryland. Capts. Of course the land has changed a lot since then and whatever remains were left were destroyed by modern development. 3rd Virginia Regiment Distant cousin of General George Washington, William Washington was born on February 28, 1752 to Bailey and Catherine Washington in Parish, Virginia. Adjutant James Hawkins. 3rd Virginia Regiment Virginia Revolutionary War 3rd Virginia Regiment They served in the desperate actions around New York and New Jersey that winter, but it was clear that hard campaigning was taking its toll. 2 talking about this. John Gist's and Joseph Lapsley's Companies to the 3rd Maryland Regiment; Capt. Early in the attack both men went down wounded. Westminster, MD: Heritage Books, 2004. Partially organized in spring and summer 1777 in Virginia to consist of four companies. Organized in spring and summer 1777 at Boston to consist of 5 companies from Middlesex, Essex, Suffolk, and Worcester Counties, Massachusetts and Hillsborough and Rockingham Counties, New Hampshire. Re-organized and redesignated on January 1, 1781 as the Canadian Regiment; concurrently relieved from the New Hampshire Brigade and assigned to the Highland's Department. Patton had distinguished himself in command of one battalion of the Pennsylvania State Rifle Regiment during the New York and New Jersey Campaign (1776-77). The regiment would see action during the Philadelphia Campaign 1777-78 and the Yorktown Campaign (1781). Quartermaster James Halsbough. The regiment was stationed at Fort Ticonderoga and Mount Independence on Lake Champlain and fought a delaying action at Fort Ann, New York on July 8, 1777 against the advance units of John Burgoyne's army. We are a Revolutionary War reenacting group that portrays the Continental soldiers of the 3rd Virgin. In1774 Andrew Leitchmoved to Virginia fromMaryland and began a new life in Northumberland County. Surgeon David Griffith. There is no single A brief summary of the 3rd Virginia Regiments service can be found in The Continental Armyby Robert K. Wright, Jr., page 285. Adopted on July 24, 1780 by Connecticut and redesignated as the 9th Connecticut Regiment. The Regiment was raised as an Extra Continental regiment in the province of Quebec for service with the Continental Army under the command of Colonel Moses Hazen.
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