2020-12-22T11:29:12-08:00 See website for details. He kicked off his career at ARISTA Records during 2002. Demo Submission - Ambitiouz Entertainment TOP A&R FOR 300 ENTERTAINMENT have now hooked up w/ Song Submit to find outstanding MUSIC PRODUCERS & ARTISTS to consider for major album . Starr Magnet Entertainment - Demo Submissions | Music Gateway of A&R Email: caleb@papergardenrecords. Typically, demos are recommended to one of our labels' A&R departments by a manager, agent, producer, radio DJ or other industry professional. Submit Music to A&R's for Free || AVENUEAR Theory Entertainment LLC,[1] doing business as 300 Entertainment, is an American record label founded by Lyor Cohen, Kevin Liles, Todd Moscowitz, and Roger Gold. Analyst Briefing Submitters are 7x more likely to receive a qualified connection. of 300 Elektra Entertainment], Rayna, and Selim consistently enable us to break down boundaries and try new things. Box 476867Chicago, IL 60647312-455-1015 Fax 312-455-1057 Email: scott@dragcity.comWeb: dragcity.com Styles/Specialties: rock, hard rock, experimental*Does not accept DemosScott McGaughey, Production Mgr. VP A&R*No unsolicited material Styles/Specialties: Various, including pop, R&B, rock and hip-hop Distribution: Sony Music EntertainmentRoster: DJ Khaled, Judas Priest, Meghan Trainor, Sade, Travis Thompson, Sara Bareilles, Jez Dior, Jidennam, Fifth Harmony, EPITAPH / ANTI (WMG)2798 Sunset Blvd.Los Angeles, CA 90026 213-355-5000Email: radio@epitaph.comWeb: epitaph.com Styles/Specialties: alternative rock, post-hardcore, punk rock, hip-hop, metalcore*Accepts unsolicited material. Box 17737Raleigh, NC 27619919-844-1515Email: info@deepsouthentertainment. 800-757-2277Email: submissions@compassrecords. Request a demo. With anything I do for our artists, I always put every bit of myself into it.
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