I hope it will post. Ask Foghorn: What Barrel Length for You remind me of that writer who was a big fan of the .270 back in the Field and Stream days. Saying things like at 10, the muzzle velocity hasnt yet reached its peak is misleading when youve got a cartridge with a wide swing of bullet weights and charge weights. Easy Conversion: Use your current AR lower, bolt/carrier, buffer, and magazine. For those with suppressors, the 1:7 twist favors the heavier subsonic rounds. Web920K views 3 years ago What barrel length is best for 300BLK AR-15s? SAAMI creates and publishes industry standards for safety, interchangeability, reliability and quality, as well as coordinates technical data for agencies, enthusiasts and manufacturers. Would a shorter barrel make it quieter? Supersonic bullets travel fast enough to generate sonic booms, and the resulting noise gives even suppressed gunshots a loud "crack.". Theres no shortage of creativity among enthusiasts when it comes to the search for that holy grail of loads. Dont forget that longer barrel = greater sight distance for iron sights. If you're looking for a multi-purpose load for the .300 AAC Blackout, this may be the best bullet. You can either start with a barrel length, or a baseline load. For example, with a 10.5-inch barrel, the .300 Blackout clocks an average velocity of 2200 feet per second. A whole new world of hunting and target-shooting options open with that difference, a fact sometimes obscured by the cartridges subsonic and military roots. Chamber erosion, out of battery detonations in < 2k rounds, most of them. Either way you go it is cheaper and requires the least modifications-while providing far superior performance and effectiveness over 5.56 in certain scenarios. 110gr Barnes VOR-TX. Passing through the sound barrier imparts wobble. This adaptability to the existing rifle specifications was made possible by the fact that the designers and engineers chose not to go down the path of building up from scratch. 300 Blackout Ballistics 300 Blackout SAAMI Cartridge Specification. Since the 300 BLK stuffs a larger bullet into a cut down .223 case (which doesnt hold all that much powder to begin with), you have less powder to play with and thus dont need as much barrel. We utilize state of the art 5-axis CNC machines to mill all our .308 and AR-15 80 percent lower receivers to incredibly precise tolerances using premium billet aluminum. That number comes from multiple conversations with the people who designed the 300 AAC Blackout cartridge, did the initial testing, and who continue to design guns around that caliber. That way you could further save length on the rifle. Remington now sells a variety of 300 BLK ammo: 1) 125 grain open-tip match with a custom Sierra bullet; 2) 220gr subsonic, and 3) 125gr AccuTip (photo below). Scopes For Beginners: What is the Parallax Adjustment Knob and How Do I Use It? You forgot one thing in your calculation powder quantity. And of the couple dozen barrels Ive used in builds, only Faxons have given me fits with under-gassing (suspected out of spec gas port). Its the pressure of expanding gas behind the bullet that accelerates it, and it doesnt fall off at 9. We also offer our patented AR-15 and .308 Easy Jigs which is the first 80% lower jig that makes it ridiculously easy for a non-machinist to finish their 80% lower in under 1 hour with no drill press required. Have had a LOT of different ARs including a Colt upper in 7.6239 that I killed my first deer with! I have two .300 BLK uppers from PSA. Maybe he purchased them for a few hundred dollars prior to 1986 or inherited them from someone who purchased them for a few hundred dollars prior to 1986.
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