You are a guest in the listeners living rooms and cars and kitchens, so treat them with respect. Text us on 0467 922 666 (rates apply) or call us on 1300 681 666. Greenwood has been the editor of numerous business publications, including Personal Investment (19861997), Business Review Weekly (19971999) and Shares, an Australian magazine he co The stories behind the people and places that make Canberra what it is. Photo: File. I think that the community needs a strong local voice that understands Canberra, especially in an election year he said. More BBC staff have made the jump behind the scenes, including former Radio 5 live producer Tim Levell, who has been appointed as programme director. This format allows people to listen to audio content on their own schedule, which makes it an ideal medium for those who are busy or have long commutes. 2CC, Canberra ACT, Capital Radio Network NM. Africa Melane is one of the best Radio 702 presenters. The work can be stressful, as radio presenters must be able to think on their feet and come up with interesting topics and banter on the fly. They will also need to be able to create content that is both engaging and easy to find on the internet. The challenge for 2CC, and the ABC too, is that they just dont ask their listeners enough what they want. WebMOST people know 2CCs Stephen Cenatiempo as an outspoken breakfast radio host, but his less known talent is his ability to cook. Shaw says that Radio 4BC Brisbane has now made the call to go back to local broadcasting and he thinks 2CC should do the same in Canberra. Web4. Paul Henry former Radio Live presenter. I wrote to the GM of 2CC and the station owners asking that I be reinstated as host of the Breakfast program from 1st June 2020, the message reads. Start your station with a guided tour. You can now click/tap LISTEN to start the live stream. John Laws Stephen is an award-winning radio broadcaster and commentator. Category:Radio presenters By submitting your email address you are agreeing to Region Group's, Juliet Room, Verity Lane Market, Sydney Building, 50 Northbourne Ave, ACT 2601, National Portrait Gallery, King Edward Terrace, Parkes, Woman allegedly threatened at gunpoint before car stolen, Police search for missing 14-year-old last seen in Duffy, Body near Tuggeranong Parkway believed to be missing Bonython man, Water and sewerage prices on the rise, but full wished-for increase knocked back by regulator, After a wet weekend, expect more clear skies and frosty mornings as we enter a drier winter season, Brindabella calls for Commonwealth education officials to face Anti-Corruption Commission, Government shifts focus to long-range missiles (and it wants them built in Australia), Commonwealth responds dismissively to Podger over APS culture report, Act now to save Australia Post, CEO pleads, Who gets the money when a company goes bust? 2CC Matt Coulter is a sports announcer and radio host. All rights reserved. 2CC was originally located on Bellenden St in Crace, before moving to Hoskins St in Mitchell. Some radio presenters may work part time, and their hours may be more flexible. SUPER RADIO NETWORK
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