All Rights Reserved. Then-President Trump won the state by a whopping 39. }, .split-cols-c-list { ^ Excludes Nebraska seat with a special election in 2024, The arrows on the counter above the map designate the controlling party. [138], Criminologist Tracy Andrus has announced that he would run as a Democrat. 1. Of his future, Manchin said: What I do in 2024 has nothing to do with what I do right now., Tester vowed that I will not make a decision until sometime early next year and that he is truly undecided but feels very positively about my chances., People say, thats bullshit, youve already made up your mind, Tester said. There are 34 seats up in 2024 - including a special election in Nebraska - of which 23 are held by Democrats or Independents. We will add to this as more forecasts become available. During the Democratic primary of the race, Carper implied that he might not seek re-election in 2024, and, when asked about it, said, "This may be the last time." State Current incumbent Party 2020 Pres. #HowBlackWomenLead #BlackWomenMatter #BLEE4Senate @BWOPAPACEndorsed (Quote tweet)", "Republicans are still trying to rile up their base by targeting Nancy Pelosi", "Warren backs Porter in California Senate primary", "Feinstein, 89, Faces Pressure on 2024 as Porter Enters Race", "Pelosi to back Schiff in Calif. Senate race if Feinstein doesn't run", "B'Shalom: Election 2024 Endorsements and Announcements", "The Democratic Plot To Take Down Their Impeachment Hero", "Three more California House Democrats are supporting Adam Schiff's bid for Senate, further bolstering a large list of Hill endorsements", "Nancy Pelosi endorses Adam Schiff for Senate seat from California if Sen. Dianne Feinstein doesn't run", "They know the way from Sacramento to L.A.", "Defending Democracy And Other Things: Adam Schiff runs for U.S. Senate", "California IATSE Council Endorses Adam Schiff for U.S. Senate", "Business Manager's Message April 2023: Why Politics Matter", Fepbrina Keivaulqe Autiameineire (NPP) for Senate,, United States Senate elections in California, Short description with empty Wikidata description, Pages using multiple image with auto scaled images, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, Raji Rab, commercial pilot and perennial candidate, Eric Early, attorney and perennial candidate, James Bradley, healthcare executive, candidate for U.S. Senate in, Peter Liu, entrepreneur and candidate for, Mark Meuser, attorney and runner-up for U.S. Senate in, Fepbrina Keivaulqe Autiameineire, nonprofit director, This page was last edited on 1 May 2023, at 04:49. The following table provides an overview of the incumbent and candidates in 2024 Senate races. Denotes the party that had more seats in the U.S. Senate following the election. [108], State Board of Education Trustee Nikki Snyder is running for the Republican nomination. Its certainly a more expansive map for us, said Sen. Debbie Stabenow (D-Mich.), the caucus No. [40] However, in February 2023, she finally confirmed that she would retire, ending a political career that spanned over 50 years. Sen. Joe Manchin isn't one to shy away from attention . Media sources speculated for years that Dianne Feinstein might choose not to seek re-election in 2024 or resign before the end of her term, owing to her age, reports that her cognitive state was declining, and her decision not to take the position of Senate president pro tempore in the 118th Congress, third in line for the presidency, even though she would have been customarily offered the role as the most senior member of the majority caucus. Calvin Coolidge's (R) first term began in August 1923 after the death of President Warren Harding (R), who was first elected in 1920. Trump won the Buckeye State by. Sen. Maria Cantwell (D-Wash.), who chairs the Commerce Committee, said while theres plenty of time before 2024, her plan is to run again.
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