2000 P Dime Coin Value (Price Chart) - Roosevelt Dimes See The Value Of A 1933 Wheat Penny, A 1933-D Penny, And 1933 Penny Errors. MS 65 gem uncirculated- There is strong luster and eye appeal. The edge is exagerated somewhat and larger than either a dime or penny would normally be. Of course, finding rare dimes is easier said than done let me tell you! If you are a fan of coin roll hunting or just want to learn more about Roosevelt Dimes then search or scroll below to find the most valuable and rarest in this series. CoinTrackers.com estimates the value of a 2000 D Roosevelt Dime in average condition to be worth 10 cents, while one in mint state could be valued around $2.00. On the obverse of the coin is text that reads "Liberty, In God We . How many minutes does it take to drive 23 miles? MS 65 gem uncirculated- There is strong luster and eye appeal. Did Billy Graham speak to Marilyn Monroe about Jesus? Break out the coin loupe and start checking your change! The 2006 S proof dime is worth around $2.50 in PR 65 condition. Im also the editor at the Florida United Numismatists Club (FUN Topics magazine), and author of Images of America: The United States Mint in Philadelphia (a book that explores the colorful history of the Philadelphia Mint). The standard 2002 clad dimes in circulated condition are only worth their face value of $0.10. MS-63 $0.70. The silver melt value for this coin is $1.82 as of May 01, 2023. The edge is smooth and there are no apparent seems so it appears stamped that way. We do not buy or sell precious metal. Silver: This coin is 90% Silver with a silver weight of around 0 troy ounce pure silver. The 2000p dime was lent to the vending industry by the Royal Canadian Mint to test the compatibility of the new plating process of circulation coins with existing vending machines and parking meters. The words In God We Trust, and Liberty are inscribed as well as the date, the initials JS, and a mint mark if present. The silver melt value for this coin is $1.67 as of March 23, 2023. The rarest and hardest to find Roosevelt Dime's Check out each link to learn more about each coin. To learn more about the history of these coins, read The History of U.S. Manage Settings To get the most money for your Roosevelt clad dime collection, you need to sort them and organize them so the dealer can quickly see what you have. Roosevelt Clad Dime Values and Prices - The Spruce Crafts
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