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From cooperative learning activities, to inquiry based case studies, each l, This Zootopia Movie Guide in Spanish | Espaol | Estereotipo (PG - 2015) is a fantastic resource to teach the concept of stereotypes. Subjects: Critical Thinking, Environment, Writing Grades: 3rd - 8th Types: Activities, Cultural Activities, Movie Guides Also included in: Huge Movie Guide Bundle Package with Extra Activities (Growing Bundle) Add to cart Wish List Zootopia Movie Study by Ann Price 4.5 (2) $2.50 Google Slides Movies can teach your learners fluent English because they show them the language in a natural and real context. Pre-made digital activities. Creative corner allows students to draw their appearance as an animal in, Predator or prey questions This guide may also work well as a sub plan for your substitute teacher.The first part of this worksheet includes tasks to do during the movie: The students have space to write down any animals they see and notes. In Education, I braved opening day of Zootopia with four kids. It is a reflection reflection and a comparison between the movie and todays society. This movie is packed full of scientific information that will both education and entertain students of all ages. If you are author or own the copyright of this book, please report to us by using this DMCA report form. Three Screenwriting Lessons that Disney's "Zootopia" Can Teach Screenwriters. Please email me with any questions at I casually mentioned to him that I might want to teach the movie so that I could explain social justice to my studentsthings like inequalities in wealth, opportunities and the everyday experiences people have. The characters in Zootopia dont just see discriminationthey also fight against it. New Teacher? The second page is a response page. She teams up with a sly fox named Nick Wilde to solve a missing mammals case, and together they uncover a conspiracy that threatens the city's harmony. She is initially deceived by a kindly, meek lamb, who (spoiler alert!) Yes, they did. You can highlight the strategies that they use, which include connecting with family and talking about what is going on with friends. Biome Matching. Watching Zootopia is the perfect way to wrap up any ecosystem unit. Save money and get four great lesson plans. Topics highlighted: The companion includes a range of worksheets and discussion prompts that are designed to help students deepen their understanding of the movie and its messages. After all, she says one of the first truly loaded lines in the movie: A bunny can call another bunny cute, but when other animals do it , speaking to a stereotyped police officer who, comically, has a donut in the fold of his neck. * Adversity Subjects: Character Education, Life Skills Grades: 6 th - 10 th Types: Movie Guides $2.00 Save money and get five great lesson plans. In Action It speaks directly to our heated political climate, however imperfectly. The pack includes the following film comprehension questions + extras:------------------------------------------------------------1. Save money and get five great lesson plans. This is an awesome movie with powerful messages for all ages! Anti-Racist Art Teachers - Zootopia Lesson - Google Sites By using this companion in your, This 8 page movie guide with handouts accompanies the film "Zootopia (2016)" also known as "Zootropolis" in the UK.