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13 157 4.16 Jane Austen 157.1 Es. 2 He asks her if she is aware of the terms of the dispute between Shylock and Antonio. Family-backed investment platform partnering with carefully selected alternative asset managers with a long-term mindset | Heritage is a family . 2. 2. They are recurrent groupings of metaphors and similes. Es. 3 59.4 Es. B The arches in the vault are pointed. 2nd section (lines 14-28): Description of the ghosts punishment in the other world. In 1651 Parliament had passed the Navigation Acts, giving a sort of monopoly of trade to British ships. Wiglaf, Beowulfs faithful retainer, the queen, her daughter and lots of mourners. 6 1. Macrocosm and microcosm corresponded to each other in the chain together with the body politic (the kingdom, including its government and citizens). He disappears mysteriously and a hole covered in blood is found in his house. What happened to her local village in the Swat Valley? Puritan rules were introduced, including execution for adultery, the abolition of popular pastimes, games, dancing and theatre performances. Romeo kisses Juliets hand. 3. 1. 1 94.2 Es. 8 156.9 Es. All are used in the play to create mood and atmosphere. She is ready to defy his parents and marry Romeo and is resolute in her decision. 17/1/2021 Performer Heritage - Volume 1 - Soluzioni - Solu. Scuola secondaria. He poisons himself. Masterpiece Paradise Lost (1667), written a er the restoration of the monarchy and his experience in prison. 4. Who is Mercutio? What burns the ship? It is horrible and unnatural because it is fratricide and regicide. F 4. 4 55.5 Es. 9 96.10 Es. What word reinforces the regal quality of mercy in a ruler in line 30? Es. The king raised an army of Royalists and declared war against his opponents, the Parliamentarians. The players and tale are so effective because Macbeth itself is a tale told by players, and though also not real, it presumably has the audiences rapt attention at this point! Box:Main theme of the text: Prospero is a European who has taken charge of a remote island and gets the local inhabitants work for him. 3. It means grief stricken, sad. 7 Sight. In the li just a er the kiss Es. Es. He is also full of anger at the unfair way he feels he has been treated, at the way he has not been accepted and at the way he was banished from the Butterfields house there is an underlying sense that he thinks they considered him not good enough for their daughter. He was good-looking, skilled at sports, music and poetry and interested in theology. Identify the line(s) where Desdemona declares her love for Othello. 3 27/12/21, 19:26 Performer Heritage - Volume 1 - Soluzioni - Solu 71/239 1. the audience within the court Lines 20-33. It is unusual because it is not flattering, wiry hair is something that shampoo companies try to cure nowadays!