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Reply 0 Post Reply Suggested posts Let's introduce ourselves! Next: Other Spotify issues and how to fix them. If you havent shared your Spotify account with anyone but its still pausing, the reason could be you recently played Spotify on another device. Click on it, and you will sign out from every mobile device. Rebooting your device solves half of the problem. Trying again today (haven't gotten it to work since), on my Windows 10 desktop (which I recently reset) using the Windows 10 store app, the desktop version of the app, and the web player all have this problem too. Why Does My Spotify Keep Pausing: Best 12 Methods to Fix It? Why does Spotify keep pausing / why does the music log your Facebook profile out from all devices, There is something wrong with the Spotify installation on your device, You might have forgotten to log out on a different device and a friend or familymember is unknowingly listening using your account, Perhaps you are in an area with lesser cellular coverage, Or an unauthorized party has gained access to your account and is trying to stream music, Change your Spotify password, which you can do, Log your account out from all devices it's logged into, you can do this. Required fields are marked *. 2 Solutions 2023, Top 6 Spotify to MP3 Converter Online [2023 Updated], 3 Steps to Download a Spotify Link to MP3, * Removes any DRM (Digital Right Management) protection of Spotify music, * Downloads Spotify songs in the device storage without limitation, * Converts Spotify music to accessible formats like MP3, MP4, and FLAC. Ive been listening for about 1hr after restarting and no dropouts. We're happy to help. Navigate to that folder and empty it to clear the cache. I disabled my VPN again and the moment i opened spotify it started up again. If both devices are active, Spotify can alternate between the two and pause the song. This way, other users who might be facing this issue can come into this thread and see the solution under your original post, Hey there you, The default output format is MP3, but you can change it to M4A, WAV, or FLAC. So, to fix this, you can sign out from Spotify on all devices. Has trouble connecting to Google home mini. (Interview W/ Neal of RecordingTheMasters), Counting Down The 15 Best Drummers Of All Time, Spotifys Permanent Wave Music (Definitions & Origins), A Collection Of The Top Music Producer Memes Of All Time, Youll see on the next screen if it is toggled on. Your email address will not be published. For extra precaution, change the password for all services associated with your account, like Facebook or Apple. You can select your downloads' formats on the top right corner. Music stops playing after about 10 seconds. It will also get you the latest app version. There are a few reasons that might be causing the Spotify playback to pause or the entire app to crash. Nonetheless, the application is smooth. Select the SIM you want to use data with. Normally these millions of users will be able to enjoy uninterrupted music. Scroll down and tap on the Power Saving Mode or Power Saver. Spotify Keeps Pausing Every 30 Seconds - The Spotify Community