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They say the roots of the tension can be tied to some combination of the complicated history between the two countries, Russias ongoing tensions with NATO and the ambitions of one man: Putin. Putin has a history of invading and occupying countries that approach NATO membership. [52][53][54][55] The invasion has also been called a crime of aggression under international criminal law[56] and under some countries' domestic criminal codes including those of Ukraine and Russia although procedural obstacles exist to prosecutions under these laws. Putin, specifically, does not want Ukraine to join NATO not because he has some principled disagreement related to the rule of law or something, it's because he has a might makes right model, adds Bradley Bowman, the senior director of the Center on Military and Political Power at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, a non-partisan research institute focused on national security and foreign policy. All have large Russian-speaking populations, and Russian troops are stationed in the breakaway Moldovan territory of Transnistria. The contract for transiting Russian gas through Ukraine will be prolonged until 2034, if the Russian government agrees. [107], In response to the deteriorating situation, Russia abandoned its hybrid approach, and began a conventional invasion on 25 August 2014. "[310][311] In September 2021, Ukraine's Naftogaz CEO Yuriy Vitrenko accused Russia of using natural gas as a "geopolitical weapon". ", "Ukraine Crisis Sends Russian Markets, Ruble Plummeting", "Putin: troops to bases; warning shots in Crimea", "Wheat, Corn Prices Surge on Ukraine Crisis", "Markets Worldwide Brush Off Crimea Vote", "Market reaction suggests sanctions over Crimea are slap on the wrist for Putin", "German economy hammered by Russian sanctions", "IRI Ukraine pre-election poll shows strong opposition to Russian aggression, support for Kyiv Government", "Sotsial'no-politicheskiye nastroyeniya zhiteley Kryma", "Poll: 82% of Crimeans support annexation", "A new survey of the Ukraine-Russia conflict finds deeply divided views in the contested Donbas region", "Public Opinion in the Divided Donbas: Results of a January 2022 Survey on Both Sides of the Contact Line", "Putin walks a tightrope as evidence mounts of Russians dying in Ukraine", "Dozens Arrested at Moscow Anti-war Protest", "Russian anti-war protesters detained in Moscow", "Russian peace march draws tens of thousands in support of Ukraine", "Ukrainians want to stay and fight, but don't see Russian people as the enemy. Ukraine and Russia, which both had been part of the Soviet Union, became independent countries. So he decided not to sign a trade agreement to bring Ukraine closer to Europe. But the losses dont end there: The United Nations estimates that about 8,000 civilians including more than 400 children have died in Ukraine since the war began. [382], In March 2022, a week after the Russian invasion of Ukraine, 98% of Ukrainians including 82% of ethnic Russians living in Ukraine said they did not believe that any part of Ukraine was rightfully part of Russia, according to Lord Ashcroft's polls which did not include Crimea and the separatist-controlled part of Donbas.