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For red flowers try Nora Grant, a durable and popular hybrid with pinkish-red flowers, or Super King, an older cultivar with deep red flowers and large flower clusters. The organic matter will increase porosity at the site, while adding nutrients as it gradually rots into the soil. Will new leaves grow or should I prune them back to where there are leaves. Fungal leaf spot disease is seen on the Ixora plant that has been watered overhead. Alternatively, you can bottom water your houseplants by setting their pot into a couple of inches of water and letting it sit for 10 minutes or so until it soaks up moisture through the drainage hole. Also, the leaves may show brown edges and the buds may shrivel without blooming. Neem oil, insecticidal soap and horticultural oil will control the insects infesting the dwarf ixora shrub. Flowers bloom on new growth, so pruning is a great way to increase the blooms on the plant. Leaf spot diseases can be mainly caused by various fungi in the Ixora plant. Then, move the pot back to its regular spot on a saucer. For the most part , thay are replaced. To propagate your Ixora plant, take cuttings in the spring season. In general, you're most likely to see brown leaf tips on plants with slim, pointed leaves and others that are sensitive to the types of care that causes said brown tips, like species that need certain humidity levels, consistent watering, and balanced soil. Avoid planting near concrete and in cement pot because concrete can cause to increase the soil pH (Alkaline). Ixora is adapted to South and Central Florida; zone 9B seems to be its northern-most limit, as frosts or freezes will injure it. The 7 Best Watering Cans for All Types of Gardeners in 2023, According to Testing. Why Won't My Ixora Plants Bloom - Tips For Encouraging Ixora Flowers Though other colors of flowers are also possible (red, pink, orange, and white) you will typically need another variety. It is required not to fill the plant, but at the same time, the soil should never dry out, even in the winter season. Warmth is essential and these plants cannot tolerate temperature levels below 15C. Some common plant diseases are fungal but can be minimized by suspending overhead watering. Remove dead bark and soil from around the root collar and leave it exposed to air for several months.