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The youngest World War II vet is Michael, who is just over 10 years old. After the War ended, Lumby worked with so-called Allied Control Commission that ran post-war Germany. She continued her service until 1949 and eventually became the chief clerk of the dispensary at Fort Meyer, near Washington D.C. Noone ended her military career with the rank of sergeant first class. He was released after his sister threatened to contact the newspapers. Pat Corbin, a native of the Channel Islands, is currently 109 and will be celebrating her 110th birthday on St. Patricks Day. Data journalist covering technological, societal and media topics, Estimated number of living U.S. WWII veterans up. Actual number of surviving World War II veterans unknown by NZDF Projected number of living U.S. WWII veterans until 2036. At 52 and 125 pounds, Calvin didnt look anything close to enlistment age. You also may wish to contact Joshua Pollarine of Historical Research Associates, Inc who wrote Children at War: Underage Americans Illegally Fighting the Second World War. He supported himself by selling newspapers and delivering telegrams. The youngest World War II vet is at the age of six. Anthony Marchione was the last American killed in combat during World War II. How old is the youngest WWII veteran? Initially, he was not scared of the Japanese soldiers, but after his capture, he was in for a shock when he realized the extent of the Japanese brutality. Gluten, Dairy, Sugar Free Recipes, Interviews and Health Articles . M-Tac Ace of Spades Embroidered Patch Death Card Tactical Morale. Hill lived independently with his wife until he turned 100, before deciding to move in with his daughter Hills wife is also still alive and the couple has been married for 80 years. 945 Magazine Street, New Orleans, LA Are there any ww2 Vets Still Alive 2022. He was only 12 years old, but was able to get . Calvin Leo Graham joined the United States Navy at the age of 12. LawrenceBrooks, who was pictured holding a photo of himself as a soldier in 1943, died at the age of 112. Year of birth: February 14, 1928 There are more than 200,000 World War II veterans who are still alive today. On October 26, 1942, he participated in the Battle of the Santa Cruz. He and his wife received just $15,000 before taxes. Tom Lumby is an unverified supercentenarian and is the only veteran on this list who has not been personally interviewed by his local news. He was discharged after only five months of service. We hope this information is helpful. SAN ANTONIO On this Veteran's Day we are honoring the youngest living World War II veteran. With the dwindling population of WW2 veterans, he asked me to research if he was the youngest veteran alive today. I am author of a historical novel set in the 1965 era in a fictional southwestern NM town near the borders of El Paso and Juarez; the Sheriff, born in 1921 served in WWII - Guadacanal, Okinawa, Pelieu, etc. America lost its final veteran of the First World War just under a decade ago. The last surviving veteran was Claude Choules (on the photo), who served Royal Navy during WW1. According to the National World War II Museum, there were roughly 16 million Americans who served in the military during World War II. Country of Origin: United States.