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I just wondered if this was done in concert with you was this George Eustice acting as the NFUs representative in Parliament? We knew it would be a lose-lose to try and lobby, effectively, for a race to the bottom. Minnette Batters POLITICO Checking everything against the principles was pretty key, because if you are leading an organisation, which I wasnt then, Meurig Raymond was, it is really critical to have that solid evidence based foundation from which to operate, and from which to build our policy and lobbying position from. Andrea Leadsom, a leading light of the Leave campaign, moves over to the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra), to replace Liz Truss, and the establishment of the Department for International Trade (DIT), to show that new trade deals were going to be a big thing for the new government. I can remember challenging him at our February 2019 annual conference. We did still have the practical issue though to register as either Remain or Leave with the Electoral Commission so as not to fall foul of the impending spending limits on our activity. To what extent was the Government talking to you, or engaging with you, on its thinking on their common rulebook, which would obviously mean staying aligned to a lot of the agrifood regulations? MINETTE BATTERS: I have huge admiration for farmers across the world, not least our cousins in Australia and New Zealand. After a pause of 10 years in which she wrote two novellas, Walters has decided to write historical novels. WebMinette Batters NFU President Minette runs a tenanted family farm in Wiltshire. Minette Batters Dont get me wrong, I think the NFU is really optimistic about the future, we really believe we can be leaders in climate-friendly food production. Has farming and agriculture gone up the government agenda in prominence, now that its not just an obscure Agriculture Council that nobody really can understand, that comes back with a protected budget that gets implemented? UKICE: Had you anticipated the Leave vote, from where you live and from all the meetings youd been having during the referendum campaign? Northern Ireland are looking like they will carry on with the status quo. Because one thing is for certain, you cant be all things to all men. Did it make a difference having Andrea Leadsom there? Officials suddenly became very energised, because they had someone who was really digging in on every area of detail. NFU (National Farmers' Union) on LinkedIn: #gbbw2023 # How concerned were you about that part, as well as the trade side? So, that is why we want you to be part of the SPS area. Would the EU have allowed things to carry on? I think there was an element of relief that it wasnt necessary to re-inform someone who came in totally new.