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. Ferry Cross the Mersey by Gerry & the Pacemakers (1964) Rage Hard (+) (1986) by Frankie Goes to Hollywood feat. The Liverpool-based group were one of the best-selling acts of the 1980s, with chart-topping hits including Two Tribes, Relax and The Power of Love. Horn, the bands label boss as well as producer, had the musicians in a punishing record deal and the two ferocious homosexuals (their words) and three scouse lads that made up the band were becoming aware of their unusually mean royalty rates, and a clause that effectively made it impossible to leave ZTT. Since their split, the Grammy-nominated band has released multiple compilation albums. In May 2014, Johnson announced his first UK solo tour, named "Dancing with No Fear". We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Every genre, every era, every week, The men to do it were Kevin Godley and Lol Creme, two former members of 10cc, who had formed the most coveted pop-video directing unit of the early 80s and had worked on Two Tribes. [citation needed], In April 2023, Johnson, Rutherford, O'Toole, Nash and Gill announced they will reunite on 7 May for a concert celebrating Liverpool music for the Eurovision Song Contest. . #FrankieGoesToHollyWood 'Altered Reels', Dali's Car (Bauhaus's Peter Murphy & Mick Karn from Japan) on purple #vinyl and the 2 #DavidBowie CD singles. Dies gilt nicht, wenn Sie eigenstndig ein nicht vom Unternehmer benanntes Transportunternehmen oder eine sonst zur Ausfhrung der . The group which consists of members Holly Johnson, Nash, Paul Rutherford, Mark OToole and Peter Gill- have not performed together since 1987, but guitarist Nash, aka Nashe, said reuniting for the special in their home city felt like a good thing to do., The guitarist told BBC News that the reaction he had received from people in Liverpool since he moved back three years ago was always massively positive, uplifting and heartwarming., Confirming the news on Instagram, bandmate Holly penned: To celebrate the UK hosting the@eurovisionsong contest for Ukraine in our hometown of Liverpool, Im happy to announce that Frankie Goes To Hollywood will reunite to perform at the opening concert of this very special eve., Fans and fellow celebrities were here for the surprise announcement, with presenter Vernon Kay writing: Tell us theres a tour coming!, Another commented: This is incredible news! Four cheetah cubs are born at Fota Wildlife Park in Cork, Sports retailer Decathlon to open its second outlet in Ireland in May, Met Eireann says Ireland will see knock-on effects of Spains extreme heatwave, Manhunt underway following a mass shooting near Houston, five people dead, The New Kin?