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What do you think is the ideal of your camp? Trending pages Yoichi Yukimura Natsumi Hamasaki Taiga Akatora Hiro Akiba Hunter Springfield Aiden Flynn Keitaro Nagame Goro Nomoru All items (53) # A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V which hey friend are u - Personality Quiz He also wears a black sleeve and a pair of black wrist straps. Age 7. Yoichi's exterior often shows off overconfident and predatory aspects of his tough-guy facade. You May Get Dionysus You love to party and enjoy eating grapes and drinking kool-aid. US residents can opt out of "sales" of personal data. Keitaro Nagame ( , Nagame Keitar) is the main protagonist in the game Camp Buddy and the character you control to pursue one of five characters. Have you played Camp Buddy? Take this quiz to know which Camp buddy character do your kin? I like to listen to the crickets chirruping, then eat them. a vibe based quiz to see which Camp Cretaceous character you are - lots of results! Want to get your very own quizzes and posts featured on BuzzFeeds homepage and app? The game's protagonist and one of the newest arrivals at the camp. A Camp Buddy Member You are upfront and daring to say everything you feel is correct and justified. !This content may contains character's spoiling in the game.Song used:Camp Buddy OST: Greatest Memories (Acoustic) - BLits GameCamp Buddy OST: Gre. We hold major institutions accountable and expose wrongdoing. He has a love for photography that is shown through all the pictures he loves to take. Keitaro and the rest of the characters hugging. Camp Buddy Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. If you have, then take this quiz and see which lovable Golden Retriever dog suits you! He wears green wrist bands at all times, one on each wrist. Are you an introvert or extrovert or ambivert or omnivert. what camp buddy character are you? What was your reaction to David cursing for the first time?