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The color, amount of frost, and visible markings are all considered when determining the value of a piece of naturally tumbled glass. Amethyst occurs in a few variations in nature. You're the judge. The rarest and most sought-after slag glass is called Leelanau Blue. McLain State Park 18350 M-203, Hancock, MI 49930 The beautiful McLain State Park is located on the shores of Lake Superior. Rarely occurs on beaches, but the two yellow pebbles were picked up on a Keweenaw beach fifty paces apart and their mates! The state laws say you cannot collect more than 25 pounds of stones, minerals, or fossils per year from Michigan beaches. Finders, Keepers: Five of the Best Places to Go Gem Hunting in the U.S. Respect private property and be aware of the regulations in your state for harvesting rocks or minerals. The Northern side of Michigan is particularly interesting for amateur geologists. Those lava flows, which could be thousands of feet thick in some places, eventually cooled into a rock we call basalt. Michigan: Source Petoskey Stones Grape agate just happens to sound catchier than botryoidal amethyst. Michigan is the only state where gem quality greenstone has been found. Mission Point Lighthouse, Old Mission Peninsula, Story by Bella DeMascio of Michigan Beaches. Wear sturdy walking shoes for climbing down embankments when searching for beach glass along the shoreline near roads. Seldom are two precisely alike, so giving them names is also tricky. When lightning strikes sand, the heat fuses it into long, slender glass tubes called fulgurites. See the minute flecks of copper? In most locations its easy to fill a backpack or a few buckets over the course of a day. Michigan's coolest rocks and where to find them - Detroit Free Press Face AWAY from the sun and look for sparkles. Amethyst is valued for dark coloration and the undertones in the stone when used as a gemstone. State Gemstones of the United States. JASPILITE Interbanded red jasper and grey hematite. Deposits have also been found in Colorado, Texas, Delaware, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Maine and reigns close to Lake Superior. Allow a minimum of an hour to search for sea glass. Chlorastrolite is a bluish-green to dark green stone with a pattern of slender, star-like crystals, which results in a "turtleback" pattern. The mineral's history dates back roughly 1.1 billion years ago, to the age of the Midcontinent Rift: A time when North America began to split apart at the seams, causing lava to spill out of the Earth's crust along a fissure that ran from Kansas up to present-day Lake Superior and back down to where Detroit now is. These articles are designed to inspire and educate on the many wonders that Michigan offers in beautiful stones, minerals, and fun finds throughout the state.