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To show this the following transcribed example will probably suffice:13. Professor R.S. Its kings and viceroys were among the most renowned, though apparently unknown outside their own domains. Jesus' Baptism and Temptation. Lack of identification, however, does not necessarily indicate mythical origin of the name.See ASTRONOMY, sec. ", shi'-nar (shin`ar; Senaar Sen(n)aar):1. Apirti and the "Bandit Nations":From the inscriptions of Mal-Amir, to the East, we learn that that was the place of another kingdom called Apirti, the land of the Apharsites of Ezra 4:9. The Chinese affinities seem less close, but the following may be quoted: a(y)a "father," Chinese ye (Amoy ia); ge, "night," Chinese ye; gu, "to speak," Chinese yu; shu, "hand," Chinese sheu; kin, "business," Chinese kung, "work"; etc. Everything points, therefore, to the Sumerians having been in Babylonia before the Semitic inhabitants.9. Position and Nature of the Ruins:Its identification with Warka, on the left bank of the Euphrates, half-way between Hillah (Babylon) and Korna, is beyond a doubt. Although the courses have changed dramatically since ancient times we know the area was nearly 700 - 1000 miles long and nearly 300 miles across. B. Sorghum remains in the ground all through the dry season, and is watered artificially until October, and cut in November. According to De Morgan, the original population was mainly negritic, and has mingled with the Arab stock to such an extent that mulattoes among them are not rare. Where is the Wilderness of Sin and what is its significance Daniel 8:2 I saw in the vision; now it was so, that when I saw, I was in the citadel of Susa, which is in the province of Elam; and I saw in the vision, and I was by the river Ulai. shnar has, however, yet been found in early texts from Babylonia itself, since a spelling im/ngar has not been attested. Shinar Definition & Meaning | This is thought to refer to the annexation of the country by Teispes, and its passing, through his line-Cyrus, Cambyses, and Cyrus the Great, who were all kings of Anzan-to Darius Hystaspis. Our collection of maps are simple and they are free. Crit. nim'-rod (nimrodh; Nebrod): A descendant of Ham, mentioned in "the generations of the sons of Noah" ( Genesis 10; compare 1 Chronicles 1:10) as a son of Cush. Notwithstanding this, however, Urtaku invaded Babylonia as ally of certain Chaldean tribes. Tammaritu, nephew of Umman-igas, after the defeat of the Elamite forces in Chaldea, revolted against him, and having defeated him, cut off his head, and took the crown. Accordingly, he proposed that Shinar was in Upper Mesopotamia, but acknowledged that the Bible gives important evidence that it was in the south.