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Do not publish any publicity on controversial issues or report views on proposals in a way which identifies them with candidates or parties. 5 April 2022 The pre-election period (previously referred to as purdah) refers to the period shortly before an election or referendum when specific restrictions to ensure that public resources are not used for party political purposes; and. It may be necessary to suspend the hosting of material produced by third parties, or to close public forums during this period to avoid breaching any legal restrictions. Its likely to be similar to the guidance in 2013. Voter ID | Electoral Commission Officials should not be asked to provide new arguments for use in election campaign debates. his is important in the event of there being a hung parliament and different parties considering options for coalition. Elections In the case of General Elections the period of Purdah does not end with the close of the ballot but instead when a new Government is formed. Click 'allow all cookies' if you're happy with this. The aim should be to respond to requests from candidates and campaigners as soon as possible. Some public appointments made by UKG Ministers could have an effect on the Northern Ireland devolved administration, for example where the remit of the body has specific Northern Ireland responsibilities, or there is a requirement to consult in relation to a UK wide body. For more information please see our cookie policy. This publication is licensed under the terms of the Open Government Licence v3.0 except where otherwise stated. Local elections 4 May 2023 There will be full district and parish elections in West Suffolk on Thursday 4 May 2023. Who's to say? Any enquiries from the media should be handled by Departmental Press Officers. Westgate Road epitomises the hustle and bustle of Newcastle, but just how clean are the restaurants and takeaways on the city centre staple? Sponsor departments must ensure that staff and board members of their NDPBs and other ALBs are aware of the guidance and are applying the principles appropriately.