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world News, Despite the global collapse, find out about gold prices today, Saturday, September 17, in Egypt, after the rise, The Elf Prince joins the GT Racing live-action film to start shooting in Europe next week Movie cnBeta.COM. Joe Rao serves as an instructor and guest lecturer at New York'sHayden Planetarium (opens in new tab). To see more, visit https://www.npr.org. Along with opposition, itll be SO bright, youll be able to see its bands and some moons just with binoculars!This wont happen again until 2129! document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. This occurs every thirteen months. Look up! Monday will be the closest Jupiter is to Earth in nearly six Under these conditions, its moons are also visible with binoculars. Jupiter The result of both is that the views may be somewhat better than normal. During 2022, over 1,000 asteroids passed within 10 LD (3.8 million km) of Earth. On Monday (Sept. 26), Ganymede will be joined by Europa and Io; now it's Callisto that will be all by itself on Jupiter's other side. [right] Jupiter's legendary Great Red Spot takes center stage in this view. Meanwhile, Juno, the Jupiter probe, will approach Jupiters moon Europa at a distance of 321 km on the 29th. When it's closest on Monday, Jupiter will be about 367 million miles from Earth, according to NASA. Juno began its journey in 2011 and reached Jupiter five years later. The two planets are now 367 million miles apartquite a small distance compared to the maximum of 600 million miles. (Twitter) (Twitter) A crescent Moon will shine very close to Venus for a couple of nights in May 2023. The term comes from Galileo Galilei, who discovered them more than 400 years ago. On Friday, September 30, the crescent moon and star Antares will form a brilliant pair. GJ 486 b is about 30% larger than the Earth and three times as massive, which means it is a rocky world with stronger gravity than Earth. Jupiter isnt always exactly closest to earth on the day of its opposition, explains the astronomy site EarthSky. Required fields are marked *. Copyright 2022 NPR. Outside of the Moon, it should be one of the (if not the) brightest objects in the night sky.. Malayalam News Wong (University of California, Berkeley), Maine Mineral Museum Is Offering a $25K Reward for a Lost Meteorite, Alaskan Photographer Captures Mysterious Spiral in Sky Among Northern Lights, Supermassive Black Hole Speeding Through Universe Is Creating Stars, NASA Reveals Astronauts Who Will Fly to the Moon Next Year, Five Planets Will Appear in the Sky Later This Month in Rare Event, Our Moon Is Slowly Moving Away From Earth a Little Bit Each Year, NASA Discovers Asteroid That Could Hit Earth on Valentines Day 2046, Rare Star on the Brink of Going Supernova Photographed by the James Webb Space Telescope, Astronomers Discover Surprising Rings Around Dwarf Planet Quaoar, Green Comet Makes an Appearance for the First Time in 50,000 Years, NASA Spots a Perfect Bear Face Made of Craters on the Surface of Mars, Tiny Meteorite Collected in 2021 Contains the Building Blocks of Life.