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White Blouse And White Skinny Jeans. But still, there is some option available which are discussed in sections below. If you are unsure how to dress, wear what you would wear to an office job interview. If you choose to do that you can mention it in a condolence card later. Members of the Masonic lodges are required to learn about their fraternity and earn a series of Masonic degrees. Mason regalia are the pieces of accessories and garments that provide the Freemasons a unique identity during ceremonial meetings or gatherings. If you want the opportunity to connect with people, attend the Wake instead. Throughout this article, I will be drawing upon the codified ritual for the Grand Lodge F&AM of Utah as I best understand it; the practice, standards, and expectations prescribed by other grand lodge jurisdictions may vary. Additionally, if you have a question regarding funeral/memorial service attire that I havent answered, please leave a comment below. Masonic Stands, Ritual and Principles We should understand that Masonry basically consists of the three degrees of the Blue Lodge: entered apprentice, fellow craft and master Mason. The members dress appropriately in white gloves and apron to indicate purity from unlawful acts. Seek out the obituary. This portion of the service is often the most emotional part of the funeral. Yes, their comfort is a much bigger priority here. Open-toed shoes or sandals may be appropriate depending on the venue and climate. The Square and CompassesThe most well-known Freemason symbol, The Square and Compasses, depicts a builders square joined by a compass. Masonic Regalia are the symbols, decorations, ornaments, and emblems that are indicative of Freemasonry and its members. Masonic caps are worn by the master of Lodge to display his authority of rank and status. It's recommended that hems remain at knee-length or below the knee. As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases. White Gloves In some masonic jurisdictions, a Masonic Funeral is a rite afforded to Master Masons in good standing with their Lodges. It is proper etiquette to heed their request. Masonic cufflinks are worn by members of Freemason fraternity on several occasions, meetings at grand lodge etc. Invitations are rarely sent out for funerals or memorial services. Some popular ones include Amazing Grace, In the Sweet By and By, Ill Fly Away, How Great Thou Art, and many more. Well, there is always some debate about the proper way to wear masonic garments and ornaments. The Masonic Funeral Service Done Well | Freemason Information You know more than anyone what looks the best on you. Masonic hats are worn by the worshipful master to show his privilege he has earned.