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Sometimes he ignores me and after reading this article, I think hes genuinely busy but I also think sometimes hes either testing me to see if Id be available whenever he calls or gets in touch or that he also wants me to do some chasing. We were talking ab marriage and children. Im totally confused by all of this, I dont understand why this guy doesnt get that he wasn;t there for me when I needed him and just seemingly walked away from our 3 yr relationship over me not going dutch on a meal with him when I did so many other things for him and our relationship. They dont realize it makes their partner wonder if something is wrong. Our relationship has been very on and off and we recently broke up just before Christmas in fact. He should answer you honestly. What to do When a Taurus Man Ignores You - Angel Numbers | Zodiac You should try reaching out to him and seeing what he says. To accomplish that, go slowly and be friends with your Taurus first. As ridiculous as it may seem, sometimes the Taurus man ignores you because he likes you. Actually, I should say that they become passive aggressive. And once youve told him your thoughts and feelings, hell be able to make a decision. who want a challenging, fun-filled relationship, make it clear that you are interested in him, Click here to get your own personalized love reading, How long a Leo man can go without talking to you, 12 body language cues that reveal a mans true feelings for you. It sounds like your guy has that syndrome of out of sight out of mind. However, in many cases, he will need time to think about things and decide whether or not this is truly what he wants. Hes extremely passionate but also likes his space which works well for me as I can be the same. Though we are long distance, we both come from the same hometown and he visits frequently because his parents still live here. So i decide not to text him at all n let him come to me. If he tells you he needs space right now, dont argue with his decision. There is a great deal that you probably should learn about Taurus men and how to properly communicate. Check out my blog to find out more https://www.fullyholistic.com/! He may act interested in you by complimenting your looks, asking to hang out with you, or flirting. Taurus when they are super busy, its a wrap you cant get into their heads, your kind of on standby and they will reach out when they are available. But if he keeps showing signs of jealousy, then be careful to see if he is also controlling. Its his childish insecurity, jealousy and possessiveness that has caused you to cut your ex off completely??!! If he isnt then hes not invested and you could potentially be wasting time and energy trying to pull him back to you. Just because you dont know what his rationale is doesnt mean his actions are random. A Taurus man will ignore you if he really likes you And then he goes AWOL, and you're left wondering what you did wrong. Im really confused and I hurt when he ignores me for that long. Not because of what he did but the way he did it. When a Taurus man is ignoring you, you want to give him the impression that you are grounded, stable and solid. I know that doesnt sound easy but its necessary. Im sorry to hear youre having such a rough time with your Taurus guy. I guess there is resolve for us but he is still not talking to me. Trust your gut, not what others tell you. If he does this, then it means that he wants to be your partner. He still looks at my FB story every day and is scantly online but he will not respond. I asked him, Was that meant for me? He didnt reply.