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The approved Assembly map was signed into law by Gov. I view the fight with much, much more sadness than you that are fighting. Answer: Others present on the scene are Portia and Nerissa. Question 5. Original music . & \textbf{Jordan} &\textbf{ O'Neal} \\ Question 2. The emotional state of the speaker in Sonnet 29 is one of depression: in the first line, he assumes himself to be "in disgrace with fortune," meaning he has been having bad luck. Mark this and return Save and Exit Next Submit See answers Advertisement az73665 a. What, not one came in? But she is happy that she is not yet so old and rigid that she cannot learn. Thus, there is nothing to fear in death, for death will . Question 4. Thus the first should have been left without its companion eye (unfumishd = unaccompanied), doth limp behind the substance : moves like a lame person (limp) in an unsuccessful effort to keep up with the original, continent : that which contains; the container, you that choose not by the view : the whole principle on which the choice of the caskets is founded is expressed in this line, namely that men should not choose by outward appearances, but should look deeply for the real meaning of things. What does he find in the leaden casket? How do some cowards try to show themselves to be brave? What is the speaker referring to in these lines? Question 1. Now he goes, With no less confidence, but with much more love, Than young Alcides went to redeem The sacrifice of young women made by howling Troy To the sea-monster: I stand for sacrifice; The rest aloof are the Dardanian wives, With tear-stained faces coming out to view The outcome of the event. Answer: Bassanio thinks that only a supernatural being and not a human hand could have painted such a life-like picture. Answer: Midas was a king who got the power of turning whatever he touched, into gold. Portia speaks the language of a romantic lover when she says that Bassanios eyes have bewitched and divided her. a. denotative meaning To whom does the speaker compare himself ? She disparages her wealth, and wishes it to be ten times as great it is at present for the sake of Bassanio. What is the sweet bar between the lips of Portia. But her eyes, how could he see to do them? Halfpriced & New Books on Instagram: "The Oxford Dictionary of The land was subject to a $50,000 mortgage, which the partnership assumed on January 1, 20X7. What does Portia means by, I would detain you here some month or two/Before you venture for me? Question 2. Give a reason for your answer. In religion,what damned error, but some sober brow will bless it, and approve it with a text, hiding the grossness with fair ornament : similarly in religion it is possible for some wicked doctrine to appear fair and true if expounded by a serious priest, and concluded by a text from the Bible.simple : plain; unmistakable, stairs of sand : these would indeed be very untrustworthy and unreliable steps to walk upon.