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In contrast, political realism is a theory that explains the way international relations work. nd performs | Benefits of a Holding Company, What are Assets? Circle the misplaced modifier. Otto Von Bismarck was a master of realpolitik. , g was "American Progress." The chart shows that___won the naval arms race. He was executed and his regime was removed from power. Henry Kissinger, U.S. Secretary of State, 1973-1977. The Soviet Union and China were America's ideological rivals. We will define the term, explore its meaning and nuances, and highlight examples of it in use. C. Vietnam is split into several small states of different political structures politics based on power and practical facts rather than ideals, Factories during the Industrial Revolution often damaged rivers and lakes by, dumping toxic chemicals used to make products. An error occurred trying to load this video. An example of Realpolitik is the period of dtente between the US and the USSR that took place in the 1970s. Realpolitik is most commonly associated with German Chancellor Otto von Bismarck, who was a master statesman and used realpolitik extensively and with tremendous success. prevent a civil war from happening This, of course, does not tend to enhance the realpolitik instincts of the nation. The United States was able to maintain its independence. Try refreshing the page, or contact customer support. Realpolitik is a German concept that refers to the idea of doing politics in practice, not taking into account the ideological aspects, ignoring, in the pragmatic sense, the notions and historical divergences of a purely rival. Realpolitik (from German: real; realistic, practical, or actual; and Politik; politics, German pronunciation: [ealpolitik]) is politics or diplomacy based primarily on considerations of given circumstances and factors, rather than explicit ideological notions or moral and ethical premises. Within the Catholic Church, Richelieu became a bishop in 1607 and rose to the rank of cardinal in 1622. Everything you need for your studies in one place. keep the balance of free and slave states Realpolitik definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary Realpolitik is the type of politics that is practical and realist, rather than focusing on idealistic issues such as morality or ideology. Out of the ordinary: ways of saying that something is unusual (2), Cambridge University Press & Assessment 2023. - Biography, Facts & Quotes, Bartolome de Las Casas: Biography, Quotes & Timeline, Who Was Stephen Douglas? In what year did the Second French Empire begin?