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However, the techniques must be applied before giving individuals consideration, must not depend on assessment of qualifications, must be representative of the total pool, and must not have an adverse impact. The Internet Applicant rule requires contractors to maintain any and all expressions of interest through the internet or related electronic data technologies as to which the contractor considered the individual for a particular position, except for searches of external resume data bases discussed below. Utilizing your network to leverage your job application is one of the most effective ways to set yourself apart from a crowd of applicants. For more information, please see our As an example, for a selected applicant the retention period would be calculated from the date of selection rather than from the date of application. What Im wondering is if this is just a scan for my online presence or if its asking me for references along the lines of an old manager. They can, however, mention your referral within their application. If the difference in representation rates is sufficiently great, OFCCP may investigate further to determine the cause of the disparities. You could set up informational meetings or interviews with those doing what youd like to do within your industry, or you could get some help with an internal reference. OFCCP can require that the timing of the solicitation be changed to comply with the regulations. This interest might be expressed by completing an application form, or might be expressed orally, depending upon the employers practice. [If significant disciplinary actions, policy investigations, or suspicious cases were brought against the candidate, explain and justify the circumstances to the best of your ability] Heres one example of what your reference sheet might look like: References for Monica Medina (999) 000-1111 monica.medina@email.com. OFCCPs recordkeeping rules, including the Internet Applicant final rule, require federal contractors and subcontractors to keep and maintain records regarding their selection process, including information about applicants and hires. Consequently, the resumes of job seekers reviewed by the software have been considered for a particular position under the Internet Applicant rule. here are plenty of creative solutions to letting a future employer see the best of your professional ability. An internal reference carries a different weight than other types of references because someone who is already acquainted with a company has more of a sway in the decision-making process. The Executive Order recordkeeping obligation belongs to the federal contractor, not the retained employment agency, and it is the contactors responsibility to ensure that the agency keeps for it whatever records the contractor will be expected to have.