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Kenneth Chamberlain Jr. outside of his fathers former home in White Plains. After a stand-off that lasted an hour, the authorities pried the door open. The summary above is a great look into this matter, but we encourage you to further enlighten yourself with videos and books selected to enhance your understanding of this matter. I dont want to look at trainings and stuff like that because thats usually the knee-jerk response when things like this happen. His heart problems and bi-polar disorder were known to the police Those that dont see things like this in their neighborhoods dont have to contend with it and only scratch their heads. So, I said the only thing we can hope for now is some sort of accountability in his killing. As The New York Times reports, police were dispatched to his home for a welfare check. A perfect world, I would have my dad back and we would all live happily ever after. Never in 45 years had I heard fear in my fathers voice, said Kenneth Chamberlain Jr., 50, an alcohol and substance abuse counselor. Terms Of Use, Kenneth Chamberlain Jr., whose father was killed by White Plains police in 2011 (Bryan Smith/Zuma Press/Newscom), As Oklahoma's Attorney General Calls for Clemency, the State Keeps Planning to Execute Richard Glossip, Rivian Continues To Hemorrhage Money Despite $1.5 Billion in State Incentives, Minnesota Is Poised To Join 22 Other States in Legalizing Recreational Marijuana, Oren Cass Notices One of Industrial Policy's Fatal Flaws, Regulators Seize First Republic Bank and Sell It to JPMorgan Chase. The Marine veteran was killed during a conflict with police in 2011. Chamberlain grabbed a kitchen knife to fend off the intruders. Since that terrible day, my life has revolved around a quest for justice, which got one step closer in Maywhen an appeals court reverseda federal judge's decision to, among other things, allow the officers in the case to usequalified immunitycurrently under fire across the country as an escape valve for police who break the law. WebThe ruling by the 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals, filed Monday, restores claims of unlawful entry and non-lethal excessive force in the Nov. 19, 2011 killing of Chamberlain, a 68 Seeing the heavily armed officers breaking into his apartment despite his insistence that they had no reason to be there, Chamberlain was understandably alarmed. Receiving no response, the operator then called the WPPD and informed the dispatcher that she had received a medical alert from Mr. Chamberlains apartment and that Mr. Chamberlain had not responded to her call. The motion concluded that Officer Carelli used deadly force only as a last resort.. Chamberlain's relatives allege worse tauntsincluding "motherfucker" and "I don't give a fuck, nigger"that the defendants denied. The lawsuit also accuses White Plains of having failed to establish police guidelines for dealing with emotionally disturbed people, or E.D.P.s as they are known in law-enforcement parlance.