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What drugs were The Magic Roundabout characters on? RustyMr. Catchphrase(s) In the French version of the original series, Dougal, being an English character, would occasionally say certain phrases or words in English in episodes such as "The Marvelous Cake", "Dylan, Sculptor", "Letter to the Queen", and "The Orchestra". Dougal was most certainly named after French leader Charles De Gaulle and his favourite food was sugar cubes which, it is pointed out, when laced with LSD is a popular way of taking the hallucinatory drug. Your email address will not be published. So everyone has seen and been aware of a Skye Terrier, without knowing it! Subsequent episodes introduced Florence, and the other inhabitants of the garden: Dougal the dog, Brian the snail, Ermintrude the cow, Dylan the rabbit, and Mr McHenry the gardener. 10,000+ Zebedee then reveals his mustache is missing, and everyone goes to look for it. Other times, he would have a magic box that First Appearance He is quite mischievous where he tends to play tricks on others as a joke where he usually gets found out in the end by Florence and everyone else, or to try and teach Dougal a lesson for his actions. Zebedee then suggests that Dougal should talk to Florence about the matter, and leaves to escort her to the garden. Ermintrude was rather matronly and fond of singing. The rabbit tells him he's watching some mushrooms grow, which makes him drift off to sleep. It is almost possible to hear the rustle of Rizlas. Was there a snail in the Magic Roundabout? There are two notable human characters: Florence (Margote), a young girl; and Mr Rusty (le Pre Pivoine), the operator of the roundabout. The 2005 film While its surrealistic stories and imagery may have lent themselves to that interpretation, The Magic Roundabout became a cult hit. WebMain Characters Dougal Florence Zebedee Brian Ermintrude Dylan Mr. Rusty Mr. McHenry Train Other Characters Florence's Friends Mr. Grimsdale Soldier Sam Fly Antagonists . Learning that Sam was part of the roundabout, Zeebad discovers that the third diamond is and always been hidden inside Sam, and removes it from him, which ends Sam's life. french version Daphne, Velma, Shaggy, Fred and Scooby in the original Scooby-Doo, Where Are You!, which premiered in 1969 and ran for three seasons. and regularly closed the show with the phrase "Time for bed." (In the English version, he tries telling them off, "Peace, man, peace!") While Florence appears as the deuteragonist of the franchise, she is one of the supporting characters in the 2005 film. Relative(s) Magic Roundabout Zebedee first met Mr. Rusty when he was sent to help him with his dilemma of trying to attract the children to his Magic Roundabout and the two became good friends after Zebedee's plan to attract the children to the roundabout succeeded. Dougal sometimes finds Dylan irritating due to his consistency of drifting off to sleep from time to time. Brian Dougal said he learned the town of Milton Keynes, England, currently holds the Guinness World Record for highest number of roundabouts per square kilometer, with an average 1.46 of the circular intersections per every 1 kilometer (. Zeebad (Zabadie in the French version) is an jack-in-the-box-like evil ice wizard who is a doppelganger of Zebedee and the main antagonist of the 2005 film. McHenry What drugs are the Magic Roundabout characters on? Child actor Daniel Tay plays the titular character in the United States dub. The page includes a History of the programme, Story of the Show, Video Intro, Characters, Images, DVDs, T-Shirts and Episode Guide.