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It certainly handled well for both near and far shots in sporting clays and FITASC. Before buying the gun I contacted Savage because of bad reports Savage/Stevens 555 (12 ga only) Shotguns 25th May 2019. You could spend more and get more, but you also could spend more and get less. The Tristar includes SK, IC, M, IM, F, while the Stevens includes Cyl, IC, M, IM, and F. All are Beretta/Benelli Mobil-style tubes, and both guns pack the chokes in a mini-hard case with a wrench. Its matter of taste, affordability, its not that complicated. I may buy the 555E. This year first time out at a trap house I had never shot before broke 49/50. As someone mentioned a few days back, an engraved gun hides the dings and nicks a field gun inevitably gets. Were not quite comparing apples to apples, as the Stevens is built on an alloy receiver against the Trinitys solid steel housing. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. All Rights Reserved. Where the alloy Stevens comes in at 6.45-pounds, the Tristar is slightly heavier at 6.7-pounds. What really stood out when shooting the gun was the balance and handling. 1. All rights reserved. The 555 Es 14 1/2-inch length of pull works for smaller to average shooters. The first generation of this gun was a bit clunky and didn't have the feel of a quality-made over/under, but the Silver Reserve II turned out to be a damn fine field gun for under $900. The seller told me this was full choke. We show you how. And then there is that $863 retail price. Both are covered in an oil finish. I opend the package and the replacement chokes were WORSE THAN WHAT I HAD PURCHASED! Handling To approximate handling in a field situation, I shot low-gun skeet with each gun. With modern computerized machinery, especially when used in a country with moderate wages like Turkey, it now is possible to produce low-cost shotguns of a quality level impossible just a decade or two ago. Upon further inspection I noticed the chambers were very rough. The barrel selector/safety on the top tang is similar to Brownings.