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personnel involved, The Trap Map is normally developed during terrain analysis as part of which IPB Step? The infantry battalion mission is to close with and destroy or defeat enemy forces within the full spectrum of modern combat operations. Databases, matrices, and assessments are updated The signal company is responsible for connecting the SBCT to the global information grid (GIG). PDF Defense Primer: Organization of U.S. Ground Forces 3 Engage Who is the SBCT commander's direct support (DS) artillery? The Javelin provides the Stryker the necessary punch to defeat armored formations. The COP is an operational picture tailored to the SBCT commander's requirements for information of friendly forces, enemy forces, and the terrain. (2) ROI are linked to ROE for each particular operation. Antiarmor systems operate on the battlefield with infantry, armor, and other elements of the combined-arms team as well as with the SBCT. Stryker Armoured Combat Vehicle Family - Army Technology Purpose-Built Antiarmor Teams: An Imperative for the Marine Corps (a) Smoke Grenade Launchers. special characters B. The primary task of these units should be hunting enemy armor by leveraging offensive ambush techniques in compartmentalized terrain, and this goal is best achieved at the forward edge of the battalion's battlespace as a covering force during shaping operations. Training users to establish and interconnect networks. Pattern analysis must be conducted at battalion level. In some cases, a special staff officer is a unit commander. Isolation friendly capabilities, Which targeting guidance reflects the intent to gain access to adversary command and control systems, to collect information, or to plant false or misleading information?